Sara Montiel "Madrid, Madrid, Madrid" lyrics

Translation to:en

Madrid, Madrid, Madrid

Cuando llegues a Madrid chulona mía,voy a hacerte emperatriz de Lavapiés,y adornarte con claveles la Gran Vía,y a bañarte con vinillo de Jerez.

En Chicote un agasajo postinero,con la crema de la intelectualidad,y la gracia de un piropo retrechero,más castizo que la calle de Alcalá.

Madrid, Madrid, Madrid,pedazo de la España en que nací,por algo te hizo Dios,la cuna del requiebro y del chotis.

Madrid, Madrid, Madrid,en Méjico se piensa mucho en ti,por el sabor que tienen tus verbenas,por tantas cosas buenas que soñamos desde aquí,y vas a ver lo que es canela fina,y armar la tremolina cuando llegues a Madrid.

…y armar la tremolina cuando llegues a Madrid.Que si....!

Madrid, Madrid, Madrid

When you arrive to Madrid, my "chulona"*I'm making you Empress of Lavapiésand adorn you Gran Via street with carnationsand shower you with Jerez wine

a vain welcoming gift in Chicotewith the cream of the intellectualityand the grace of a flatterer complimentpurer than Alcala street

Madrid, Madrid, Madrida piece of the Spain where I was bornGod made you for a reasonthe crudle of the compliment and chotis**

Madrid, Madrid, Madridyou're very thought in Mexicobecause of the flavour of your open-air dancesbecause of so many good things we dream about from hereand you'll see what is to be outstandingand kick up a row when you arrive to Madrid

...and kick up a row when you arrive to Madridyou'll see!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Madrid, Madrid, Madrid by Sara Montiel. Or Madrid, Madrid, Madrid poem lyrics. Sara Montiel Madrid, Madrid, Madrid text in English. Also can be known by title Madrid Madrid Madrid (Sara Montiel) text. This page also contains a translation, and Madrid Madrid Madrid meaning.