Sara Montiel "Fumando espero" lyrics

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Fumando espero

Fumar es un placergenial, sensual.

Fumando esperoal hombre a quien yo quiero,tras los cristalesde alegres ventanales.

Y mientras fumo,mi vida no consumoporque flotando el humome suelo adormecer...

Tendida en la chaise longuefumar y amar...

Ver a mi amantesolícito y galante,sentir sus labiosbesar con besos sabios,y el devaneosentir con más deseoscuando sus ojos veo,sedientos de placer.

Por eso, estando mi bien,es mi fumar un edén.

Dame el humo de tu boca.Anda, que así me vuelves loca.Corre que quiero enloquecerde placer,sintiendo ese calordel humo embriagadorque acaba por prenderla llama ardiente del amor.

Smoking, I wait

Smoking is a wonderful, sensuous pleasure.

Smoking, I waitfor the man I lovebehind the glassesof gaily-colored windows.

And as I smoke,my life does not burn awaybecause, on the drifting smokei tend to get sleepy...

Lying on the chaise-longuesmokinbg and loving...

To see my lovergallant and solicitous,to feel his lipskiss with knowing kissesand the gallant playto feel with more desirewhen I see his eyeshungry for pleasure.

That´s why, with my joy by my sidesmoking is my paradise.

Give me the smoke from your mouth,come on, you know it drives me mad.quick, I want to go madwith pleasure,feeling that warmof the intoxicating smokethat ends up kindlinglove´s burning flame.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Fumando espero by Sara Montiel. Or Fumando espero poem lyrics. Sara Montiel Fumando espero text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Fumando espero meaning.