Sara Montiel "El Polichinela" lyrics

Translation to:en

El Polichinela

Entre los paisanos y los militaresme salen a diario novios a millarescomo monigotes vienen tras de míy a todos los hago que bailen así

Cata-catapum,catapum pon candelaalza pa'rriba polichinelacata-catapum, catapum, catapumcomo los muñecos en el pim, pam, pum

Hay un viejo loco que lo traigo fritoy para que baile tiro del hilito,y aunque se resiste sin querer saltar,lo hace muy contento si me oye cantar.

Hay un señorito de esos calaveras,de esos que se pintan lunares y ojeras,que al verme en la calle ir con seis o más,siempre dice: ¡Ay! nena que asediada estás.

The Pulcinella

Among countrymen and militarsI have a thousand boyfriends everydaylike puppets they come after meand I make all of them dance like this

cata-catapum,catapum pon candelago up pulcinellacata-catapum,catapum,catapumlike the puppets in the pim,pam,pum

There's a crazy old man who wants meand for him to dance I pull the string,and though he resists without jumping,he does it happily if he hears me sing.

There's a rich man who's a night man,of those who paint moles and eyebags,who when he sees me going by the street with six or more,he always says "oh girl! how bothered you are"

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song El Polichinela by Sara Montiel. Or El Polichinela poem lyrics. Sara Montiel El Polichinela text in English. This page also contains a translation, and El Polichinela meaning.