Sara Montiel "Y tú un pobre has sido" lyrics

Translation to:en

Y tú un pobre has sido

Ya sé que vas pregonandoque por tus quereres estoy medio loca.Ya sé que has dicho a la genteque a mí me has deja´o por irte con otra.Qué poco te acuerdas de las vecesque has ido rogando que yo te quisiera.Qué poco hablas de ello…Haces bien, como que es cosa de hombres,y tú… no eres eso.

Y no es que me importehaberte queri´o,que limosna también se da a un pobre,Y tú un pobre has si´o.

Puedes ir haciendo alardede que te he queri´o más que te mereces.Puedes seguir engañando,que por Dios te juro que no he de meterme.Lo que sí te pido es que digasque estoy muy contenta de no hablar contigo.Pero esto lo callasno eres hombre siquiera para eso..Ya sabes lo que hablas.

Y no es que me importehaberte queri´o,que limosna también se da a un pobre,Y tú un pobre has si´o.

...and you a begger have been

I know you go crying outthat for your love I'm going crazy.I know you've told everybodythat you have left me for another one.How little you remember of those timeswhen you used to beg me to love you forever,how little you talk about it...That's all right, 'cause that's the act of a manand you... you are not one.

And it's not that I mindthe fact that I loved you,'cause to a begger an alms you should give,and a begger, for sure, you have been.

You can go aroung braggingthat I have loved you more than you deserved;you can go on prettending'cause, I swear to God, I won't get into it.What I do ask you, is to tellthat I'm very glad I no longer talk to you.But, about this, you keep silent,not even to do that are you man enough...You know well what you say.

And it's not that I mindthe fact that I loved you,'cause to a begger an alms you should give,and a begger, for sure, you have been.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Y tú un pobre has sido by Sara Montiel. Or Y tú un pobre has sido poem lyrics. Sara Montiel Y tú un pobre has sido text in English. Also can be known by title Y tu un pobre has sido (Sara Montiel) text. This page also contains a translation, and Y tu un pobre has sido meaning.