Sara Montiel "Un compromiso" lyrics

Translation to:en

Un compromiso

Sin firmar un documentosin mediar un previo avisosin hacer un juramentohemos hecho un compromiso.

Sin palabras nos marchamosni me obligas ni te obligoporque al fin sé que soñamosyo contigo, tú conmigo

Tu destino es como el míosi eres vela yo soy vientosi eres cauce yo soy ríosi eres llaga, yo lamento

Nadie habló de enamorarnospero Dios así lo quisosin hacer un juramentohemos hecho un compromiso

no noooo......

Tu destino es como el míosi eres barco yo soy velasi eres cauce yo soy ríosi eres llaga, yo lamento

Nadie habló de enamorarnospero Dios así lo quisosin hacer un juramentohemos hecho un compromisouuun compromisoooo....un compromiso.un compromisoun compromisoun compromiso

A Commitment

Without signing a documentwithout means of prior noticewithout making any promiseswe have made a commitment.

Without words we are departingyou don't force me, I don't for you'cause, after all, I know we dreamI, of you, you, of me.

Your destiny is like mine,if you are the sail I am the wind,if you're the river-bed, I'm the river,if you're the wound, I'm the lament.

No one talked of falling in lovebut God wanted it this waywithout making any promisseswe have made a commitment

No, noooo

Your destiny is like mine,if you are the sail I am the wind,if you're the river-bed, I'm the river,if you're the wound, I'm the lament.

No one talked of falling in lovebut God wanted it this waywithout making any promisseswe have made a commitment.aaaa commintmeeeeenta commintmenta commintmenta commintmenta commintment

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Un compromiso by Sara Montiel. Or Un compromiso poem lyrics. Sara Montiel Un compromiso text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Un compromiso meaning.