Sara Montiel "Loca" lyrics

Translation to:enhr


Locame llaman mis amigosque solos son testigosde mi liviano amor.

Loca.No saben lo que sientoni que remordimientose oculta en mi interior.

Yo tengo con alegriasque disfrazar mi tristezay que hacer de mi cabezalas pesadillas huir.Yo tengo que ahogar riendola pena que me devora,cuando mi corazon lloramis labios deben reir.

Yo si a un hombre le despreciotengo que fingirle amores,y adoracion cuando es necio,y si es cobarde temores.Yo que no he pertenecidoal ambiente en que ahora estoyhe de olvidar lo que he sidohe de olvidar lo que soy.


Crazythat's what my friends call mewho are only witnessof my easy virtue

Crazythey do not know what I feelnor about the remorsethat hides in my soul.

I have to mask with cheerfulnessall my sadnessand to dispel all the nightmaresthat are in my headBy laughter I have to quenchthe sorrows that would eat me upwhen my heart weepsmy lips must smile.

Even if I feel contempt for a manI have to dissimulate loveand admiration when he is stupidand when he is a coward show fearMe, who I have not belongedto where I belong now,have to forget now who I have beenhave to forget now who I am.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Loca by Sara Montiel. Or Loca poem lyrics. Sara Montiel Loca text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Loca meaning.