Sara Montiel "Valencia" lyrics

Translation to:ensr


Es la tierra de las flores de la luz y del amorValenciaTus mujeres todas tienen de las rosas el color

ValenciaAl sentir como perfuma en tus huertas el azaharQuisieraEn la huerta valenciana mis amores encontrar

La blanca barraca, la flor del naranjoLas huertas floridas, almendros en florEl Turia de plata, el cielo turquesaEl sol valenciano que van diciendo amor

AmoresEn Valencia son floridos como ramos de azaharQuereresEn Valencia sus mujeres con el alma suelen dar

PasionesEl la huerta valenciana sí te dan el corazónSus hembrasPonen alma y ponen vida en un beso de pasión


Is the land of the flowers of the light and of loveValenciaYour women all have from the roses the color

ValenciaUpon feeling how the orange-blossoms in your orchards perfumeI would likeIn the valencian gardens to find my loves

The white farmhouse, the flower from the orange-treeThe florid gardens, almond-trees in bloomThe silvered Turia, the turquoise skyThe valencian sun that goes on saying love

LovesIn Valencia they are florid like the bouquets of orange blossomsAffairs of the heartIn Valencia its women tend to give with their souls

PassionsIn the valencian gardens if you are given a heartHer femalesPut spirit and put life in a kiss of passion

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Valencia by Sara Montiel. Or Valencia poem lyrics. Sara Montiel Valencia text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Valencia meaning.