Sara Montiel "Contigo aprendí" lyrics

Translation to:enhrrutr

Contigo aprendí

Contigo aprendíque existen nuevas y mejores emociones.Contigo aprendía conocer un mundo nuevo de ilusiones.

Aprendíque la semana tiene mas de siete diasa hacer mayores mis contadas alegriasy a ser dichoso yo contigo lo aprendí.

Contigo aprendía ver la luz del otro lado de la luna.Contigo aprendíque tu presencia no la cambio por ninguna.

Aprendíque puede un beso ser mas dulce y mas profundoque puedo irme mañana mismo de este mundoLas cosas buenas ya contigo las vivi

Y contigo aprendíque yo nací el día que te conocí

With You I Learned

With you I learnedthat new and better emotions exist.With you I learnedhow to get to know a new world of illusions.

I learnedthat the week is longer than seven days;to make greater the joys that I countand to be blissful, I learned this with you.

With you I learnedto see the light on the other side of the moonWith you I learnedthat I wouldn't change your presence for any other

I learnedthat a kiss can be sweeter and more profound;that I can leave this world as soon as tomorrow (because)All good things, I lived them with you already.

And with you I learnedthat I was born the day I met you

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Contigo aprendí by Sara Montiel. Or Contigo aprendí poem lyrics. Sara Montiel Contigo aprendí text in English. Also can be known by title Contigo aprendi (Sara Montiel) text. This page also contains a translation, and Contigo aprendi meaning.