Sara Montiel "El relicario" lyrics

Translation to:en

El relicario

Un día de San Eugenioyendo hacia El Pardo le conocí,era el torero de más troníoy el más castizo de to' Madrid.

Iba en calesapidiendo guerra,y yo al mirarlome estremecí.

Y el al notarlobajo del coche,y muy garbosose vino a mí.

Tirú la capacon gesto altivoy, descubriéndose,me dijo asi:

Pisa morena,pisa con garboque un relicario,que un relicario me voy a hacercon el trocito de mi capoteque haya pisado,que haya pisado tan lindo pie.

Un lunes abrileño el toreabay a verlo fui,nunca lo hiciera que aquella tarde,de sentimiento, creí morir.

Al dar un lancecayo en la arena,se sintió heridomiró hacia mí,

y un relicariosacó del pechoque yo enseguidareconocí.

Cuando el torerocaía inerte,en su deliriodecía asi:

Pisa morena,pisa con garboque un relicario,que un relicario me voy a hacercon el trocito de mi capoteque haya pisado,que haya pisado tan lindo pie.

The Locket

On Saint Eugene's dayOn my way to El Pardo I met himHe was the most elegant bullfighterAnd the most genuine in all Madrid

He travelled by calashLooking for actionAnd when I saw himI shuddered

And when he noticedHe jumped off the carAnd very snazzyHe came to me

He threw his capeIn an arrogant gestureAnd taking his hat offHe told me this:

Walk on, brunetteWalk on with graceThat a locketThat a locket I'm going to makeWith the piece of my capeThat has been stepped onThat has been stepped on by such a lovely foot

An April's Monday he was bullfightingAnd I went to watch himI shouldn't have done it, because that eveningOf pain I thought I would die

During one of his passesHe fell to the sandAnd feeling woundedHe looked at me

And a locketHe took out of his chestThat immediatelyI recognized

When the bullfighterWas falling deadIn his ravingsWas saying this:

Walk on, brunetteWalk on with graceThat a locketThat a locket I'm going to makeWith the piece of my capeThat has been stepped onThat has been stepped on by such a lovely foot

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song El relicario by Sara Montiel. Or El relicario poem lyrics. Sara Montiel El relicario text in English. This page also contains a translation, and El relicario meaning.