Melek Rojhat "Geryanek" lyrics

Translation to:csenfrhirusktrur


Havîn bû çûm ŞingalêHejîra li dem nûbarêMin dît li wirê ciwanekAwir dida ji alekMin gotê: "keça kê yî?"Torina kîj malê yî?Tu gula kîj bexçê yî?Nêrgîza serê kê yî?Lawo ez Kurdistan imXuştivîya Kurdan imEvîndara şêran imKetime dest nezanan

Ez geriyam çûm AmedêCihê pîran û befrêNalînake wî dihêtinBirîndar e xwîn jê dihêtêMin gotê: kewê kê yî?Çima li nav befrê yîBrîndarê destê kê yî?Xwîndarê destê kê yî?Ez dengê Şêx Seîd imJi bo Kurdistan mirîd imBê kes û bê xwedan imKetime dest neyaran

Çûm Mehabadê geriyamWek dara bîyê weryamDarek di dest zarokanPêdikirin yariya bûkanMin gotê: Tu çi dar î?Wek rebena li vî warîTu li kolanan dixişandinJi nîvê re tu şikandinLawo ez dar ala bûmNavbera çarçira bûmEz qibleya Kurdan bûmKetime dest nemerdan

Payîz bû çûm RojavaSer deşt û ber der avaMin dît li wirê şûxekBerda dilê min dûxekMin gotê: Keça kê yî?Dîlber û şenga kê yî?Bihara dilê kê yî?Barana kîj deştê yî?Lawo ez Qamişlo meŞenga warê Şêxo meMêvana warê xwe meKetime dest zordaran

A Walk

It was summer, I went to SinjârLike a premature fig treeI saw a young girlShe was poutingI said her : you are the girl of whom ?You are the daughter of which house ?You are the flower of which garden ?The daffodil of which head ?- Boy I'm KurdistanI'm Kurds' desireI'm lions' loverI'm fell in the hands of ignorants

I walked, I went to Diyarbakir (Amed)In the place of elders and snowHer laments cameWounded, her blood was flowingI said : You are the partridge of whom ?Why are you in the snow ?In the which hands was you wounded ?In the which hands your blood is flowing ?- I'm Sheikh Said's voiceI'm a Murid for KurdistanI'm alone, and without allI'm fell in the hands of enemies

I went to Mahabad for walkLike a tree, I lost my leafsA tree in the hands of childrenThey were crushing me as a toyI said : You are which tree ?You are like the poor of this countryThey dragged you in the streetsThey broke you in the middle- Boy, I was the flag's treeI was in the middle of Tshartshira's placeI was the Kurds' KaabaI'm fell in the hands of cowards

Automn came, I went to the west (Rojava)In the plains and near riversI saw a beautiful girlShe put a rod in my heartI said : you are the girl of whom ?You are the beauty and the precious of whom ?You are the spring of whom ?You are the rain of which valley ?- Boy, I'm QamishliI'm the precious of Shekho's landI'm the guest of my own landsI'm fell in the hands of dictators

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Geryanek by Melek Rojhat. Or Geryanek poem lyrics. Melek Rojhat Geryanek text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Geryanek meaning.