Wicked (Musical) "Defying Gravity" Слова пісні


Defying Gravity

Elphaba - why couldn't you have stayed calm forOnce, instead of flying off the handle!I hope you're happy!I hope you're happy nowI hope you're happy how youHurt your cause foreverI hope you think you're clever!

I hope you're happyI hope you're happy, tooI hope you're proud how youWould grovel in submissionTo feed your own ambition

So though I can't imagine howI hope you're happy right now

Elphie, listen to me. Just say you're sorry:You can still be with the WizardWhat you've worked and waited forYou can have all you ever wanted:

I know:But I don't want it -No - I can't want itAnymore

Something has changed within meSomething is not the sameI'm through with playing by the rulesOf someone else's gameToo late for second-guessingToo late to go back to sleepIt's time to trust my instinctsClose my eyes: and leap!

It's time to tryDefying gravityI think I'll tryDefying gravityAnd you can't pull me down!

Can't I make you understand?You're having delusions of grandeur

I'm through accepting limits'cause someone says they're soSome things I cannot changeBut till I try, I'll never know!Too long I've been afraid ofLosing love I guess I've lostWell, if that's loveIt comes at much too high a cost!

I'd sooner buyDefying gravityKiss me goodbyeI'm defying gravityAnd you can't pull me down

Glinda - come with me. Think of what we could do: together.

UnlimitedTogether we're unlimitedTogether we'll be the greatest teamThere's ever beenGlinda -Dreams, the way we planned 'em

If we work in tandemThere's no fight we cannot winJust you and IDefying gravityWith you and IDefying gravity

They'll never bring us down!Well? Are you coming?

I hope you're happyNow that you're choosing this

You tooI hope it brings you bliss

I really hope you get itAnd you don't live to regret itI hope you're happy in the endI hope you're happy, my friend:

So if you care to find meLook to the western sky!As someone told me lately:"Ev'ryone deserves the chance to fly!"And if I'm flying soloAt least I'm flying freeTo those who'd ground meTake a message back from meTell them how I amDefying gravityI'm flying highDefying gravityAnd soon I'll match them in renownAnd nobody in all of OzNo Wizard that there is or wasIs ever gonna bring me down!

I hope you're happy!

(Look at her, she's wicked!Get her!)

Bring me down!

(No one mourns the wickedSo we've got to bring her)



Contra Gravitatem

Elphaba! Cur tu es semper tam irata? Potesne esse molle?Esne beata?Esne beata nunc?Esne beata quod tua res ruet?Bene acutula!

Esne beata?Esne beata quoque?Esne celsa quodExcipes omnesEsse insignis?

Non possum facere quam,Sed spero te esse beatam hodie!

Elphie, audi me. Dic te paenitere, aliquando!Potes esse cum Princepe.Laborbas nimius longa.Potes habere omnes.

Scio.Sed ego nolo.Minime.Non possum velle.Scio bene.

Sum puella alia.Non sum eadem.Non voloCedere ad Princepem.Nulla dubitatio hodie.Ego non dormio nunc.Possum cogitare in mei,Parare,Et salire!

Ego sumContra gravitatem.Debeo esseContra gravitatem.Non capient meme!

Elphaba, non est bonus.Scio te esse deliram!

Nullus credere sententias,Quod Princeps dicet eas.Non possum vertere aliqui,Sed considebo!Nullus curareDe amori,Quod absens est.Si amor est,Est nimius carus!

ParaboContra gravitatem.Et nunc vale,Sum contra gravitatem!Non capient meme!

Glinda, veni mecum. Cogita de omnes possumus facere, partier!Infinutae.Partier summusInfinutae.Partier possumus bonum frenum.Glinda,Somni erunt verus.Si summus partier.Ferrebimus semper!

Solae te et me,Contra gravitatem.Cum te et me,Contra gravitatem.Non capient nos!

Ergo? Tu venit?

Esne beataCum hoc consilio?

Etiam.Spero tuam fortunam!Spero te habereOmni tu vis!Spero te esse beata denique.Spero te esse beata,Amica!

Est me!Si vides me,Ero in caelum occidentis!Similis discebam hodie,Omni habet fortunam volare!Et scio esse solam,Sed sum libera.Advorsari,Hic est mea charta:

Ego sumContra gravitatem.Volo alta;Contra gravitatem!Et ferrebo fama.Et nemo, in Ozo,Nullus Princeps magnus,Numquam capiatMeme!

Esne beata?

Vide eam! Est mala!Cape!

Capiet meme!

Nullus luget malos!Igitur capimus eam …Ahh!Nunc!

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