Galileo Galilei "Senpūki (扇風機)" lyrics

Translation to:enes

Senpūki (扇風機)

心はささくれ 束ねつけた君との約束薄紅色の空は カラスは遠く燃やした

無機質な音を立て続け骨ばった扇風機 僕の部屋の片隅遠く遠く遠く遠く カーテン揺れる巻き込まれて首飛ばし

一先ず今日を乗り越えられそうにもない でもない 今に吐きそう残るのは僕の小さな息

知らない街の女の子の背に骨ばったこの指 届くはずもないのにそっとそっとそっとそっと 汚い指で回して切り取った

ぐるぐる回る 何にも考えずざらら ざらら 外で雨が降る酷い顔で吐いたものは冷えて湿った白い息

無機質な音をたて続け骨ばった扇風機しくじった夢揺らすひとつ 千切って飛ばす巻き込まれて消えていく

小さな呼吸止められもせずにずるる 日々を引きずって「呼吸を、呼吸を、呼吸を、呼吸を」かすれた声で扇風機は歌う

Electric Fan

My promises with you have tied together my splintered heartThe light pink sky, the far-away crowsHave burnt

A succession of inhuman soundsFrom the skeletal fan in the corner of my roomFar away, far away, far away, far away, the curtain swaysFlying up, catching my neck

For now, it seems like I won't make it through the dayI don't think so, I feel sick nowMy small breath remains

It seems these bony fingers can't reachThe back of the girl from an unknown townGently, gently, gently, gentlyI tore away with these dirty fingers

I go around and around without a careZARARA, ZARARA1 - the rain falls outsideMy damp, chilled breath is regurgitated at my awful face

A succession of inhuman soundsThe skeletal fan shakes my fucked-up dreamsIt flies forth and tears one to piecesI'm entangled in it, and fade away

Without my small breathing stoppingZURURU2 - I drag through the days"Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe"The fan sings in a cracked voice

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Senpūki (扇風機) by Galileo Galilei. Or Senpūki (扇風機) poem lyrics. Galileo Galilei Senpūki (扇風機) text in English. Also can be known by title Senpūki 扇風機 (Galileo Galilei) text. This page also contains a translation, and Senpūki 扇風機 meaning.