Eminem "As the world turns" lyrics

Translation to:elhr

As the world turns

[Hook]I don't know why this world keep turning round and roundBut I wish it would stop and let me off right now

[Interlude]Yes man, as the world turns, we all experience things in lifeTrials and tribulations that we all must go throughWhen someone wants to test us, when someone tries our patience

[Verse 1]I hang with a bunch of hippies and wacky tobacco plantersWho swallow lit roaches and light up like jack-o-lanternsOutsidaz baby, and we suin' the courtsCause we dope as fuck and only get a two in the SourceThey never shoulda booted me outta reform schoolDeformed fool, taking a shit in a warm pool'til they threw me out the Ramada InnI said it wasn't me, I got a twin (Oh my God, it's you! Not again!)It all started when my mother took my bike awayCause I murdered my guinea pig and stuck him in the microwaveAfter that, it was straight to the forty ouncersSlappin' teachers and jackin' off in front of my counselorsClass clown freshman, dressed like Les NessmanFuck the next lesson, I'll past the test guessin'And all the other kids said "Eminem is a disheadHe'll never last, the only class he'll ever pass is phys-ed"Maybe true, 'til I told this bitch in gym classThat she was too fat to swim laps and needed Slim Fast(Who? Me?) Yeah, bitch you so bigYou walked into Vic Tanny's and stepped on Jenny CraigShe picked me up to snap me like a skinny twigPut me in a headlock, then I thought of my guinea pigI felt the evilness and started transformin'It began stormin', I heard a bunch of cheerin' fans swarmin'Grabbed that bitch by her hair, drug her across the groundAnd took her up to the highest diving board and tossed her downSorry coach, it's too late to tell me stopWhile I drop this bitch face down and watch her belly flop


[Interlude]As the world turns, these are the days of our livesThese are the things that we must go through, day by day

[Verse 2]We drive around in million dollar sports carsWhile little kids hide this tape from their parents like bad report cardsOutsidaz, and we suing the courtsCause we dope as fuck and only get a two in the SourceHypochondriac, hanging out at the laundromatWhere all the raunchy fat white trashy blondes be atDressed like a sailor, standin' by a pail of garbageIt's almost dark and I'm still tryna nail a trailor park bitchI met a slut and said "What up? It's nice to meet yaI'd like to treat you to a Faygo and a slice of pizzaBut I'm broke as fuck and I don't get paid 'til the first of next monthBut if you would care to join me, I was about to roll this next bluntBut I ain't got no weed, no phillies or no papersPlus I'm a rapist and a repeated prison escapistSo give me all your money and don't try nothing funnyCause you know your stinking ass is too fat to try to outrun me"I went to grab my gun, that's when her ass put it on meWith an uppercut and hit me with a basket of laundryI fell through the glass doors, started causing a sceneSlid across the floor and flew right into a washing machineJumped up with a broken backThank God I was smokin' crack all day and doped up on coke and smackAll I wanted to do was rape the bitch and snatch her purseNow I wanna kill her but yo, I gotta catch her firstRan through Rally's parkin' lot and took a shortcutSaw the house she ran up in and shot her fuckin' porch upKicked the door down to murder this divorced slutLooked around the room that's when I seen her bedroom door shutI know you're in there bitch, I got my gun cockedYou might as well come out now, she said "Come in, it's unlocked"I walked in and all I smelled was Liz ClaiborneAnd seen her spread across the bed naked watchin' gay pornShe said "Come here big boy, let's get acquainted"I turned around to run, twisted my ankle and sprained itShe came at me at full speed, nothing could stop herI shot her five times and every bullet bounced off herI started to beg "No, please let go"But she swallowed my fuckin' leg whole like an egg rollWith one leg left, now I'm hoppin' around crippledI grabbed my pocket knife and sliced off her right nippleJust tryna buy me some time then I remembered this magic trickDuh-dah-duh-dah-duh-duh, go-go gadget dickWhipped that shit out, and ain't no doubt about itIt hit the ground and caused an earthquake and power outageI shouted, now bitch, let's see who gets the bestStuffed that shit in crooked and fucked that fat slut to death(Come here bitch, come here, take this mothafuckin' dick bitch, come here)


[Interlude]And as we go along, throughout the days of our livesWe all face small obstacles and challenges everydayThat we must go through, these are the thingsThat surround us through our atmosphere, every dayEvery single day the world keeps turning

Dok se svijet okreće

(Refren)Ne znam zašto se ovaj svijet i dalje okrećeAli želio bih da sad prestane i da me pusti na miru

(Interludij)Tako je, čovječe; dok se svijet okreće, svi prolazimo kroz razne stvariMuke i iskušenja kroz koje svi moramo proćiKad nas netko želi testirati i iskušati naše strpljenje

(Prva kitica)Družim se s gomilom hipija i plantažera duhanaKoji gutaju zapaljene opuške i zapale se kao bundeve na Noć vješticaOutsidaz* brate, i tužimo sudJer smo najopakiji, a dobili smo samo 2 u Sourceu*Nikad me nisu trebali izbaciti iz popravnog domaDeformirana budala, srao sam u toplom bazenuDok me nisu izbacili iz hotelaRekao sam: "Nisam ja, imam blizanca*" (O moj Bože! Ne opet ti!)Sve je počelo kad mi je majka oduzela biciklJer sam ubio svog zamorca i nabio ga u mikrovalnuNakon toga, sve je išlo svojim redom:Šamarao sam učitelje i drkao ispred odgojiteljaPrvaš* - razredni klaun, obučen kao klošarJebo iduću lekciju, pogađat ću na testuA sva su druga djeca govorila: "Eminem je propalicaNeće potrajati, proći će jedino tjelesni odgoj"Možda bi se to i ostvarilo, dok nisam rekao toj kravi na tjelesnomDa je predebela da pliva kraul i da treba otići na dijetu(Tko? Ja?) Da, kravo; tako si golemaDa si ušla u teretanu i zgazila instruktoricuUzela me da me slomije kao tanku grančicuUhvatila me u kravatu, a onda sam pomislio na zamorcaOsjetio sam zloću i počeo se transformiratiPočelo je bjesnjeti, čuo sam rulju kako navijaZgrabio sam kravu za kosu i vukao je po poduI dovukao je do najviše skakaonice i bacio doljeŽao mi je, treneru, prekasno je da mi kažete da prestanemDok bacam ovu kravu i gledam kako pada na stomak


(Interludij)Dok se svijet okreće, prolaze dani naših životaOvo su stvari kroz koje moramo svakodnevno prolaziti

(Druga kitica)Vozimo se okolo u sportskim autima od milijun dolaraDok djeca sakrivaju ovu traku kao da je loša svjedodžbaOutsidaz brate, i tužimo sudJer smo najopakiji, a dobili smo samo 2 u SourceuJa sam hipohondar* pa se motam po čistioniciGdje se nalaze sve jeftine debele plavušeObučen kao mornar, stojim kraj hrpe smećaSkoro je mrak, a ja još uvijek pokušavam kresnuti kurvu iz prikoliceSreo sam drolju i rekao: "Što ima? Drago mi je upoznati teVolio bih te častiti sokom i kriškom pizzeAli sam bez prebijene pare i neće mi stići plaća do prvogaNo, ako bi mi se voljela pridružiti, upravo sam išao smotati jointAli nemam trave, duhana ni rizleA još sam i silovatelj i višestruki bjegunac iz zatvoraZato mi daj sav svoj novac i ne pokušavaj ništa smiješnoJer znaš da je tvoja smrdljiva guzica predebela da mi pobjegne"Išao sam izvaditi pištolj, tada sam od njene debele guziceDobio aperkat, a i pogodila me košarom za rubljePao sam kroz staklena vrata i napravio scenuProklizao po podu i uletio pravo u perilicuIskočio sam sa slomljenim leđimaHvala Bogu da sam cijeli dan pušio crack i bio drogiran od kokaina i horsaPrije sam samo htio silovati kurvu i ukrasti joj torbicuSad je želim ubiti, ali prvo je moram uhvatitiProjurio sam kroz Rallyjevo* parkiralište i iskoristio prečacVidio sam kuću u koju je utrčala i zalupila vratimaRazvalio sam vrata da ubijem tu rastavljenu droljuOsvrnuo se po sobi i vidio da su vrata spavaonice zatvorenaZnam da si unutra, kurvo, pištolj mi je napunjenBilo bi dobro da izađeš; rekla je: "Uđi, otključano je"Ušao sam i namirisao jeftini parfemI vidio je raširenu na krevetu kako gleda gay pornićRekla je: "Hajde, frajeru, upoznajmo se"Okrenuo sam se da pobjegnem, ali sam uganuo gležanjSkočila je na mene punom brzinom, ništa je nije moglo zaustavitiUpucao sam je pet puta i svi su se meci odbiliPočeo sam moliti: "Ne, molim te, pusti me"Ali progutala mi je cijelu nogu kao da je roladica, jeboteSad skačem okolo na jednoj noziIzvadio sam džepni nožić i odrezao joj lijevu bradavicuPokušavajući ugrabiti malo vremena, onda sam se sjetio ovog trikaZapjevao sam pjesmicu iz crtića i rekao čarobne riječiUpalilo je, bez sumnje:Kurac mi je udario po podu i uzrokovao potres i nestanak strujeZaurlao sam: "Sad ćemo vidjeti tko je bolji, kurvo!"Zabio sam ga i izjebao debelu kurvu do smrti(Dođi vamo, kurvo, dođi vamo, primi ovaj kurac, kurvo dođi vamo)


(Interludij)I dok prolazimo kroz životSvi se svakodnevno suočavamo s preprekama i izazovimaKoje moramo prijeći, to su stvariKoje okružuju našu atmosferu, svaki danSvaki dan svijet se nastavlja okretati

Here one can find the lyrics of the song As the world turns by Eminem. Or As the world turns poem lyrics. Eminem As the world turns text.