Eminem "My Fault" lyrics

Translation to:hr

My Fault

[G] Eminem as Susan (the girl)[D] Eminem as Dave[J] Eminem as John[R] Eminem as Ron

[Hook: Eminem]I never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my worldNow you sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it's my fault my fault

[Verse 1]I went to John's rave with Ron and DaveAnd met a new wave blonde babe with half of her head shavedA nurse aid who came to get laid and tied upWith first aid tape and raped on the first dateSusan -- an ex-heroin addict who just stopped usingWho love booze and alternative music (Whattup?)Told me she was going back into using again (Nah!)I said, "Wait, first try this hallucinogenIt's better than heroin, Henn, the booze or the ginC'mere, let's go in here" "Who's in the den?"[R] "It's me and Kelly!""My bad, (sorry) let's try another room"[G] I don't trust you!"Shut up slut! Chew up this mushroomThis'll help you get in touch with your rootsWe'll get barefoot, buttnaked, and run in the woods[G] Oh hell, I might as well try em, this party is so drab"Oh dag!!"[G] What?"I ain't mean for you to eat the whole bag!"[G] Huh?!


[Verse 2]"Yo Sue!"[G] Get away from me, I don't know youOh shoot, she's tripping[G] I need to go puke!! (Bleahh!)I wasn't trying to turn this into something majorI just wanted to make you appreciate natureSusan, stop crying, I don't hate yaThe world's not against you, I'm sorry your father raped youSo what you had your little coochie in your dad's mouth?That ain't no reason to start wigging and spaz outShe said[G] Help me I think I'm having a seizure!I said, "I'm high too bitch, quit grabbing my t-shirt" (Let go!)"Would you calm down you're starting to scare me"She said[G] I'm twenty-six years old and I'm not marriedI don't even have any kids and I can't cook(Hello!) I'm over here Sue, (hi) you're talking to the plant, look!We need to get to a hospital 'fore it's too lateCause I never seen no-one eat as many shrooms as you ate


[Verse 3]Susan (wait!) Where you going? You better be careful[G] Leave me alone dad, I'm sick of getting my hair pulledI'm not your dad, quit trying to swallow your tongueWant some gum? Put down the scissors, 'fore you do something dumbI'll be right back just chill, baby, please?I gotta go find Dave he's the one who gave me these"John, where's Dave at before I bash you?"[J] He's in the bathroom; I think he's taking a crap, dude!"Dave! Pull up your pants, we need an ambulanceThere's a girl upstairs talking to plantsChopping her hair off, and there's only two days leftOf Spring Break, how long do these things take to wear off?"[D] Well it depends on how may you had"I took three, she ate the other twenty-two capsNow she's upstairs crying out her eyeballs, drinking Lysol"[D] She's gonna die dude"I know and it's my fault!"[D] My god!!!


[Outro]My God, I'm so sorry!I'm so sorry! Susan please wake up!Please! Please wake up!! What are you doing?!You're not dead!! You're NOT dead!I know you're not dead! Oh my God!Susan, wake up! Oh God

Moja krivica

(G) Eminem kao Susan (djevojka)(D) Eminem kao Dave(J) Eminem kao John(R) Eminem kao Ron

(Refren: Eminem)Nisam ti mislio dati gljive, djevojkoNisam te mislio dovesti u svoj svijetSad sjediš u kutu i plačešI to je moja krivica, moja krivica

(Prva kitica)Otišao sam na Johnov rave tulum s Ronom i DaveomI upoznao plavušu s pola obrijane glaveBolničarka koja je došla da je pojebu i vežu za krevetZavojem za prvu pomoć i siluju na prvom spojuSusan - bivša ovisnica o heroinu koja se upravo prestala drogiratiKoja voli cugu i alternativnu glazbu (Što ima?)Rekla je da se ponovno vraća na heroin (Ma ne!)Rekao sam joj: "Čekaj, prvo uzmi ovu halucinogenu stvarBolje je od heroina, konjaka ili džinaHajde, idemo unutra" "Tko je to tu?"(R) "Ja i Kelly!""Moja greška, oprostite, idemo naći drugu sobu"(G) Ne vjerujem ti!"Začepi, droljo! Sažvači ovu gljivuTo će ti pomoći da se vratiš svojim korijenimaSkinut ćemo se i trčati po šumi goli i bosi"(G) Ma kvragu, mogla bih ih probati, ovaj tulum je sranje"O Bože!"(G) Što?"Nisam mislio da pojedeš cijelu vrećicu!"(G) A?!


(Druga kitica)"Hej, Sue!"(G) Bježi od mene, ne poznam teO sranje, počelo je djelovati(G) Moram povratiti!! (Bljuff!)Nisam htio da postane ozbiljnoSamo sam želio da počneš cijeniti prirodu*Susan, prestani plakati, ne mrzim teSvijet nije protiv tebe, žao mi je što te otac silovaoPa što ako je tvoja ribica bila u tatinim ustima?To nije razlog da počneš umišljati i luditiRekla je(G) Pomozi mi, mislim da imam napadaj!Rekao sam: "I ja sam drogiran, kurvo, prestani me vući za majicu" (Pusti me!)"Smiri se, počinješ me plašiti"(G) Imam 26 godina i nisam udataNemam ni djece i ne znam kuhati(Zdravo!) Ovdje sam, Sue (bok) razgovaraš s biljkom, gledaj!Moram otići u bolnicu prije nego bude prekasnoJer nikad nisam vidio da je netko pojeo toliko gljiva kao ti


(Treća kitica)Susan (čekaj!) Gdje ideš? Budi oprezna(G) Ostavi me, tata, dosta mi je povlačenja za kosuJa nisam tvoj tata, prestani pokušavati progutati jezikHoćeš žvaku? Spusti škare prije nego učiniš nešto glupoOdmah se vraćam, mala, molim te smiri seMoram pronaći Davea, on mi ih je dao"John, prije nego te udarim, reci: gdje je Dave?"(J) U kupaonici je, mislim da sere!"Dave! Navuci hlače, moramo zvati hitnuGore je djevojka koja razgovara s biljkamaI reže sebi kosu, a ostala su samo još dva danaProljetnih praznika, koliko treba da se skineš s toga?"(D) Ovisi o tome koliko si uzeo"Ja sam uzeo 3, a ona ostale 22Sad gore plače kao kišna godina i pije Lysol**"(D) Umrijet će, stari"Znam, to je moja krivica!"(D) Moj Bože!


(Outro)Moj Bože, tako mi je žao!Tako mi je žao! Susan, molim te, probudi se!Molim te! Molim te, probudi se! Što to radiš?!Ti nisi mrtva! Ti NISI mrtva!Znam da nisi mrtva! O, moj Bože!Susan, probudi se! O, Bože

Here one can find the lyrics of the song My Fault by Eminem. Or My Fault poem lyrics. Eminem My Fault text.