Pink Floyd "Childhood's End" Слова пісні


Childhood's End

You shout in your sleep.Perhaps the price is just too steep.Is your conscience at restIf once put to the test?You awake with a startTo just the beating of your heart.Just one man beneath the sky,Just two ears, just two eyes.

You set sail across the seaOf long past thoughts and memories.Childhood's end, your fantasiesMerge with harsh realities.And then as the sail is hoist,You find your eyes are growing moist.All the fears never voicedSay you have to make your final choice.

Who are you and who am ITo say we know the reason why?Some are born; some men dieBeneath one infinite sky.There'll be war, there'll be peace.But everything one day will cease.All the iron turned to rust;All the proud men turned to dust.And so all things, time will mend.So this song will end.

Kraj Detinjstva

Vices u svom snuMozda je i cena previse strma.Dali tvoja savest mirujeMozda da je stavimo jednom na test?Probudis se sa pocetkomSa samo otkucajima svog srca.Samo jedan covek ispod neba,Samo dva uha, i samo dva oka.

Pustis jedra preko moraDuge proslosti, misli i uspomena.Kraj detinjstva, tvoje fantazijeStapaju se sa grubom stvarnoscu.I onda kako se jedra podizu,Vidis kako ti oci suze.Svi ti strahovi nikad izrazeniTi kazu da moras napraviti konacni izbor.

Ko si ti i ko sam jaDa kazem sve sto znam, i razlog zasto?Neki su rodjeni, neki su umrliIspod jednog beskrajnog neba.Bice rata, bice i mira.Ali ce se sve jednog dana prekinuti.Svo je gvozdje postalo rdja,Svi ponosni ljudi su pretvoreni u prah.I tako ce sve stvari, vreme popraviti.I ova pesma ce se zavrsiti.

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