William Shakespeare "Sonnet 110" letra

Traducción al:roto

Sonnet 110

Alas! 'tis true, I have gone here and there,And made my self a motley to the view,Gored mine own thoughts, sold cheap what is most dear,Made old offences of affections new;

Most true it is, that I have looked on truthAskance and strangely; but, by all above,These blenches gave my heart another youth,And worse essays proved thee my best of love.

Now all is done, have what shall have no end:Mine appetite I never more will grindOn newer proof, to try an older friend,A god in love, to whom I am confined.

Then give me welcome, next my heaven the best,Even to thy pure and most most loving breast.

Sipi CX

'Oiaue! Kuo mo'oni he 'oku 'alu ki heni pea ki hena'O fakatupu kita ha me'apulepule ki he matamata naFakakiniji'i 'eku ngaahi loto manatu 'o'oku 'o fakatau vale 'a ia 'oku mahu'inga lahi 'ia te auNeu 'ai angahala motu'a ki he holi fo'ou.

Mo'oni lahi ia he na'e sio au ki he mo'oniFakahipa mo fakakehekehe kae hili iaNa'e foaki ki hoku loto 'a e ngaahi ue'i ni ki ha talavou tahaPea fakamo'oni'i 'a e ngaahi tohi ni 'a e angakovi ki he lelei lahi 'o e 'aloha.

Taku aa... 'ikai ngata'i ha me'aHala'ataa teu toe momoji 'eku fiekaiaKi he fakamo'oni fo'ou lahi ka keu 'ahi'ahi ia ki ha kaume'a 'ilo leleiHa 'otua 'o e 'ofa, ki ai 'oku ou pikitai.

Pea foaki mai 'a e talitali ka ki langi ko hono fungani'Io, ki he ma'a 'o'ou mo e fatafata faka'ofo'ofa lahi pea mo lahi.

Aquí se puede encontrar la letra de la canción Sonnet 110 de William Shakespeare. O la letra del poema Sonnet 110. William Shakespeare Sonnet 110 texto.