Letu Štuke "Sunce" lyrics

Translation to:enru


U težak januar bi stavio ciganske oči,da mogu.Da prati veljaču kud ide, jer ona imakraću nogu.Martu bi dao usisivač za babine huke.Travanj nek otvori karneval i ogoli nam ruke,da dočekaju sunce.

Sunce izađe i zađe,zemlja se okrene.Šta čovjeku radi vrijeme,ljudi nisu stijene.

Maju je mjesto u raju jer zemlju ozeleni.Veseli lipanj pjeva, pleše u blagoj sjeni.Julu je mjesec do brade i muzikom nas mami.

Dok zvijezde brojimo do jutra,ostali smo sami.Kolovoz gori.

Sunce izađe i zađe,zemlja se okrene.Šta čovjeku radi vrijeme,ljudi nisu stijene.

Septembar nosi proljeće, opet.Listopad, ljubav i kišu.Novembar taman je i dan je do pet,Prosinci godine brišu.

Sunce izađe i zađe,zemlja se okrene.Šta čovjeku radi vrijeme,ljudi nisu stijene.

Gdje odlaze satii svaki se vrati.A dani se množe,gdje odoše, Bože.


In hard January I'll put gypsy eyesIf I canTo follow February everywhere, 'cause she has shorter legFor March I'll give vacuum cleaner for ''Babine huke''Let the carnival opened by April and stripped our hands, to welcome the sun

The sun comes out and goes downThe Earth turnsWhat time's doing of manPeople aren't rocks

May is place in the heaven, 'cause earth becomes greenJuly is month to the chin and music beckons

While counting the stars till the morningWe become aloneAugust burns

The sun comes out and goes downThe Earth turnsWhat time's doing of manPeople aren't rocks

September carries the spring againOctober, the love and rainNovember is dark and day is to the five(pm)December delete the years

The sun comes out and goes downThe Earth turnsWhat time's doing of manPeople aren't rocks

Where does the hours goAnd each returnAnd days are multipliedWhere they went, oh God

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Sunce by Letu Štuke. Or Sunce poem lyrics. Letu Štuke Sunce text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Sunce meaning.