Letu Štuke "Psycho" lyrics

Translation to:enru


Kako, kako živiš u svojoj kući?Kada frižider ugasi bojlerLjudi su teret, a kad je teretOboje jaje, oboje

Psycho, svako je psychoA to je zato što kada bije tada vodu pije višeDa bude čišći, da bude višiJer samo snije pakao što grije

Kitova peraja, prepelice jajaKoga Fashion guru fura na kulturu?Bestežinske glave, pet minuta slaveKoga sada voli Angelina Joli?

Psycho, svako je psychoAko ga pustiš da zagađuje i trujeJedan život, zar je više od miliona, trilionaKoji žive pored mutne vode?


How, how do you live in your home?When the freezer turns off the boilerPeople are a burden, and when it is a burdenBoth eggs, both

Psycho, everybody is pyschoAnd it's because when it beats then drink more waterCould be clearer, could be higherBecause only he bears hell that heats

Whale fin, quail eggsWhom the fashion guru favors in culture?Weighless minds, five minutes of gloryWhom now loves Angelina Jolie?

Psycho, everybody is psychoIf you let him go that pollutes and poisonsOne life, is really more than a million, trillionWho lives near muddy water?

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Psycho by Letu Štuke. Or Psycho poem lyrics. Letu Štuke Psycho text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Psycho meaning.