Letu Štuke "Ulice" lyrics

Translation to:enru


Uvijek je bilo isto,zakone je reala.Sirova koža, meso,zlatom sve do para.

I trči, radi, trpi,hrani se i množi.Otimaj, kradi, varaj,pred očima božijim.

Vazda su želje iste,život ideala.Ugodi tijelu pa ga bodi,sto igala.

I nije važnio je li droga ili joga,samo je bitno čemu dođeš putem toga.

Ja se baš ne razumijem,ja malo šta umijem.Moje su ulice u zlatnom ramu.Ja se baš i ne poznajem,samo prepoznajem kada svjetlopromoli kroz tamu.

(monotono monotono)

Seks je u glavi,svi ga slave kao totem.Nisam muškarac ako s bojnog polja odem.I popij oči,krvi loči, al' se boriza tuđi račun i nejasan teritorij.

Nije sve tužno,imamo i zabavljače,novu elitu,nove talente pjevače.Rastu ko gljive,euforičan je prizor.Plovim kroz dimove i ne palim televizor.

Ja se baš ne razumijem,ja malo šta umijem.Moje su ulice u zlatnom ramu.Ja se baš i ne poznajem,samo prepoznajem kada svjetlopromoli kroz tamu.

Sinovac, sve što treba ti je novac(puši kurac).Sinovac, uči li te tako otac?(puši kurac).Oca mi ne diraj.


It has always been the sameLaws was violatedRaw skin, meat,With gold up to the money

And running, working, sufferingFeed and multiplyRob, steal, cheatIn the sight of God

The wishes is always the sameLife idealsAdjust your body and then poke itWith hundred of needles

And it doesn't matter whether the drug or yoga,Only matters how you get trough it

I just don't understandI know little howMy streets are in the golden frameI don't really knowI only recognize when lightBelov trough darkness


Sex is in the headAll celebrate it as a totemI'm not man if I go out of battlefieldAnd drink eyesLap the blood, but fight itOn behalf of others and unclear territory

Not all sadWe have entertainersNew eliteNew talent singersThey grow like mushroomsScene is euphoricI sail trough the smoke and don't turn on TV

I just don't understandI know little howMy streets are in the golden frameI don't really knowI only recognize when lightBelov trough darkness

Bro, all you need is money(smoke a dick)Bro, father learns you that?(smoke a dick)Don't touch my father

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ulice by Letu Štuke. Or Ulice poem lyrics. Letu Štuke Ulice text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Ulice meaning.