Letu Štuke "Poljubi je dok spava" lyrics

Translation to:en

Poljubi je dok spava

Ako budeš dovoljno brz, misliš da ćeš stići daleko?Ako budeš dovoljno lud, misliš da ćeš zagrabit' više?Ako budeš nervozan, napet, misliš da ćeš upratit' sve to?A šta je sve to? Zubato ljeto i šaka plaćenih računa.

Ona je zaspala ispred tv-a, ide sapunica što dušu liječiNišta joj ne znače Prada, Ikea, dok sivu javu snovima kreči.

Poljubi je dok spavaU snovima si kraljNi bogat, a ni slavanI uvijek uspravan

Jer ljubav je zakon, reći ćeš - fraza, život je zajeban, priča je praznaTi si realan i nema šale, proš'o si školu za pačiće maleDa budeš onaj što zbraja i množi, al' ti si janje u vučijoj kožiDa budeš primat kad treba, gospodin do nebaNjoj je hladno i nečim je pokriti treba

Jer ona je zaspala ispred tv-a, ide sapunica što dušu liječiNišta joj ne znače Prada, Ikea, dok sivu javu snovima kreči.

Poljubi je dok spavaNije patetikaU Andima od soliZrno je šećera

Vidim pametan si momak, kažeš shvatio si igruImaš odgovor za svakog i diplomu što visi na ziduImaš nespretne, meke ruke i nosiš osmijeh za cijeli svijetImaš opušten korak na putu, al' u ljubavi ti si napetMeni ne treba ni plastika, ni šuška, mrzim predrasude i sranja muškaI što će mi hrpe, krpe i Prada, ne škaklje me po licu kao tvoja brada

Ašik blogovi, internet je market, retardirani bogovi, devalvirana pametMajmunolika elita se zabavlja do zore, uništenje moždane i zemljine koreBanke su bogomolje, jer ne znamo za boljeA ko ima nekretnine, pliva iznad površineSirotinja se guši, saljeva se brlja, modre žene, majke, za izbore se srlja

Stenjemo pod pritiskom prljave jave i previdimo snove i kad se pojaveOpusti se, nasmij se već jednom, probudi se da dišemo k'o jedno

Probudi se i uđi u sebe, dok trepneš već je isteklo vrijeme

Kiss her while she sleeps

If you could be fast enough, do you think that you will catch up from afar?If you could be crazy enough, do you think that you will scoop up more?If you could be nervous, tense, do you think that you will control everything?And what is everything? A poor summer and a fistful of paid bills

She fell asleep in front of the TV, she takes a shower that heals the soulPrada, Ikea doesn't mean anything to her, while gray reality paints dreams

Kiss her while she sleepsIn dreams you are a kingNeither right nor famousAnd always upright

Because love is law, you will say a phrase, life is screwed up, the story is emptyYou are realistic and don't joke, lastly you are a school for a few yearsYou could count and multiply that, but you are a lamb in wolf's skinYou could be a primate what you should, a man of the skyShe is cold and you should cover her with something

Because she fell asleep in front of the TV, she takes a shower that heals the soulPrada, Ikea doesn't mean anything to her, while gray reality paints dreams

Kiss her while she sleepingIs not a pathosIn the Andes to saltThe grain is of sugar

I see reason you are young man, you say you understood the gameYou have a answer for everyone and a diploma that hangs on the wallYou have clumsy, soft hands and you carry a smile for the whole worldYou have a soft step on the road, but in love you are a tenseTo me there is no need for either plastic nor rustling, I hate prejudices and shitty menAnd it will be for me piles, clothes and Prada, no tickling me around the face like your chin

Love blogs, the internet is a market, retarded gods, devalued intelligenceApe-like elite entertain themselves until dawn, the destruction of the brain and the earth's crustBanks are places of worship, because we don't know any betterAnd who has real estate, floating above surfaceOrphans suffocate, sending dirt, women turning blur, mothers, to rush choices

We thin under pressure of a corrupt reality and we overlook dreams and when they occurWaste away, smile finally, wake up to breathe as one

Wake up and enter into yourself, while you blink time finally expires

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Poljubi je dok spava by Letu Štuke. Or Poljubi je dok spava poem lyrics. Letu Štuke Poljubi je dok spava text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Poljubi je dok spava meaning.