Valeriu Sterian "S-a votat Codul penal" lyrics

Translation to:en

S-a votat Codul penal

S-a votat Codu' penal, of, mamă dragă,Pentru-o palmă iei un an, aoleu,Pentru-o palmă iei un anȘi te-nfundă la canal, aoleu.

La canal, la Poarta Albă, of, mamă dragă!Să-ți dea terci cu marmeladă, aoleu!Să-ți dea terci cu marmeladă,Să te pună de corvoadă, aoleu!

Căpitanul strigă tare, of, mamă dragă!„Umple roaba, mă tâlhare”, aoleu!Căpitanul strigă tare:„Umple roaba, mă tâlhare”, aoleu!

De dimineață până-n prânz, of, mamă dragă!Trei sute de roabe am strâns, aoleu!De la prânz și până searaNu le mai țin socoteala, aoleu!

Arz-o-ar focul s-o arză, of, mamă dragă!Fabrica de marmeladă, aoleu!Fabrica de târnăcoapeȘi cea de haine vărgate, aoleu!

The Criminal Law Has Passed

The criminal law has passed, oh dear mother,If you slap someone, you'll get a year in prison, oh boy,If you slap somene, you'll get a year in prisonAnd they'll take you to the Canal* [ labour camp ], oh boy.

To the canal at Poarta Albă, oh dear mother,And feed you porridge with marmelade, oh boy!Feed you porridge with marmeladeAnd force you to work, oh boy!

The captain shouts, oh dear mother,"Fill up the wheelbarrow, you scumbag", oh boy,The captain shouts,"Fill up the wheelbarrow, you scumbag", oh boy.

Since dawn until noon, oh dear mother,I've carried three hundred wheelbarrows, oh boy,Since noon until the eveningI can no longer tell how many, oh boy!

Set it on fire now, oh dear mother,The marmelade factory, oh boy,The pickaxe factory,As well as the striped uniforms factory, oh boy!

*Danube-Black Sea Canal

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song S-a votat Codul penal by Valeriu Sterian. Or S-a votat Codul penal poem lyrics. Valeriu Sterian S-a votat Codul penal text in English. This page also contains a translation, and S-a votat Codul penal meaning.