Valeriu Sterian "Cântec de oameni" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

Cântec de oameni

Mă duc ades’ cu gândulPrin veacuri, înapoiSă înţeleg istoriaAcestui neam de soi

Hei, aici la noiPe acest pământOameni buni au fostOameni buni mai sunt

Şi tot ce curge-n noiIubire sau durereE din străbuni venitŞi ce-i străbun nu piere

Hei, aici la noiPe acest pământOameni buni au fostOameni buni mai sunt

E timpul să-nţelegemIstoria de mâineE timpul să-nţelegemCă pâinea naşte pâine

Hei, aici la noiPe acest pământOameni buni au fostOameni buni mai sunt

Song about people

My thoughts are often taking meBack throught centuries,So I can understand the historyOf this special nation.

Hey, here, where we areOn this land,Good people have lived,Good people are still living.

And everything from inside us,Love or pain,It's from our ancestors,And what you inherit from you ancestors never fades away.

Hey, here, where we areOn this land,Good people have lived,Good people are still living.

It's time to understandThe history of tomorrow,It's time to understandThat bread gives birth to bread.1

Hey, here, where we areOn this land,Good people have lived,Good people are still living.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Cântec de oameni by Valeriu Sterian. Or Cântec de oameni poem lyrics. Valeriu Sterian Cântec de oameni text in English. Also can be known by title Cantec de oameni (Valeriu Sterian) text. This page also contains a translation, and Cantec de oameni meaning.