Film "Ponekad poželim" lyrics

Translation to:enptru

Ponekad poželim

Ponekad poželim da pobjegnem od tebe zauvijek,Ponekad poželim nemoguće to znam.Ponekad sanjam neku drugu daleku zemlju,Ponekad sanjam nemoguće to znam.

Ponekad poželim da pobjegnem od tebe zauvijek,Ponekad poželim nemoguće to znam.Ponekad sanjam neku drugu ženu kraj sebe,Ponekad sanjam nemoguće to znam.

Ponekad poželim malko sreće i za sebe,Da mi se bar jednom život osmijehne.Sanjam da laž nije jača od istine.Hajdemo ispod duge da se snovi ostvare.

Sometimes I wish

Sometimes I wish to run away from you foreverSometimes I wish for impossible, I know thatSometimes I dream about some country far awaySometimes I dream about impossible, I know that

Sometimes I wish to run away from you foreverSometimes I wish for impossible, I know thatSometimes I dream about some other woman next to meSometimes I dream about impossible, I know that

Sometimes I wish for a little bit of happiness for meI wish for life to smile at me at least onceI dream that lie isn't stronger than truthLet's go under a rainbow so our dreams can come true

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Ponekad poželim by Film. Or Ponekad poželim poem lyrics. Film Ponekad poželim text in English. Also can be known by title Ponekad pozelim (Film) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ponekad pozelim meaning.