Film "Neprilagođen" lyrics

Translation to:enplru


Danas sam bacio radio kroz prozor,Razbio se u tisuću komada,Na programu nije bilo ništa za mene,Samo reklame i dileme.

Radio, ovo je tvoj kraj,Radio, baj, baj, baj...Radio, putuj u raj.

Izašao sam,Ljudi su se okretali za mnom,Svi su upirali prstom u mene,Ja sam neprilagođen!

Djevojke su daleke,Djevojke su meke,Djevojke su daleko od mene,Ja sam neprilagođen!

Ja sam uooooooNeprilagođen, uooooJa sam uooo, ja sam ja,Jedan, dva!

Danas sam bacio radio kroz prozor,Razbio se u tisuću komada,Na programu ništa za mene,Samo reklame i dileme.

Radio, ovo je tvoj kraj,Radio, baj, baj, baj...Radio ja sam ostao isti,Ja sam neprilagođen!

Ja sam uooooooNeprilagođen, uooooJa sam uooo, ja sam ja,Pa da, to sam ja!


I threw the radio out the window todayIt broke into thousand pieces,There was nothing for me on the programJust commercials and dilemmas.

Radio, this is your end,Radio, bye, bye, bye,Radio, travel to heaven...

I walked out,People turned looking at me,They all pointed fingers at meI'm a misfit!

Girls are distant,Girls are soft,Girls are far from me,I'm a misfit!

I'm oooohMisfit, woahI'm woah, I'm me,One, two!

I threw the radio out the window todayIt broke into thousand pieces,Nothing for me on the programJust commercials and dilemmas.

Radio, this is your end,Radio, bye, bye, bye...Radio, I stayed the sameI'm a misfit!

I'm oooohMisfit, woahI'm woah, I'm me,Well yeah, that's me!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Neprilagođen by Film. Or Neprilagođen poem lyrics. Film Neprilagođen text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Neprilagođen meaning.