Film "Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za ples" lyrics

Translation to:enpt

Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za ples

Ref.Zamisli zivot u ritmu muzike za pleszamisli zivot drugaciji od ovogi igraj, igraj, igraj, igrajzamisli zivot u ritmu muzike za ples

Ako zamislis zivotu ritmu muzike za plesdoci ce do promjene u tvojoj glavii vjerovat' ces da postoji nadaako zamislis zivotu ritmu muzike za ples

Sjeti se kako smo zivjeli nekadpet dinara u juke boxpet dinara u fliperi pet piva u sebeto je bilo rjesenjerjesenje za osvjezenje


Pogledaj, ulice su pune ljudidjecaci koracaju s tranzistrom na uhumuzika dolazi iz podruma i krovai citav grad plese kao da je lud, lud, ludi ja sam lud

Zamisli zivot u ritmu muzike za ples(4x)

Imagine life in the rhythm of the music for dancing

Imagine life in the rhythm of the music for dancingImagine a different life than thisjust dance, dance, dance ,danceImagine life in the rhythm of the music for dancing

If you imagine lifein the rhythm of the music for dancingthere will be changes in your headand you will trust that there is still hopeIf you imagine lifein the rhythm of the music for dancing

Remember how we once livedfive dinars in the jukeboxfive dinars in the pinballgameand five beers inside of usThat was the solutionsolution for refreshment


Look, the streets are filled with peopleBoys are going around with walkman's in there eyarsthe music is coming from the basements and roofsand the whole city is dancing like it's gone mad, mad, mad

Imagine life in the rhythm of the music for dancing(4x)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za ples by Film. Or Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za ples poem lyrics. Film Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za ples text in English. Also can be known by title Zamisli zivot u ritmu muzike za ples (Film) text. This page also contains a translation, and Zamisli zivot u ritmu muzike za ples meaning.