Film "Istina piše na zidu" lyrics

Translation to:en

Istina piše na zidu

Kada bi Bog, otvorio vrata raja,I rekao mi: "Hajde, momće,Uđi unutra i odmori se."Ja bi stao na pragu njegovog doma,I rekao: "čekaj draga,Reci još samo dvije, tri riječi,Moram nešto da te pitam:Gdje su moji drugovi,Gdje je djevojka koju sam ljubio,Ja ne želim tvoj raj,Ako u njemu moram biti sam."

Anđele čuvaru,Kada dođeš po mene,Morat ćeš imati velika krila,Da njima zagrliš cijeli grad,A mi ćemo slomiti,Tvoja bijela krila,I bit ćeš jedan od nas,Samo čovjek u dimu kafea,Bit ćeš pali anđeo.

Suzama operi ulice,Krvari do jutra i oboji grad,Napiši na svakom zidu,Svoje riječi kao posljednji dar:"Spasit će nas ljubav!"To je parola dana,Istina piše na zidu,Crvenom bojom kao krv,Istina piše na zidu.

The Truth is Written on the Wall

If God were to open the door to heaven,And tell me: "Come on, man,Come inside and rest."I would be standing on the doorstep of his home,And would say: "wait my dear,Just say two or three more words,I have to ask you something:Where are my friends,Where is my girl who I loved,I don't want your heaven,If I have to be in it alone."

Guardian angels,when you come for me,You will have to have huge wings,To embrace the whole city with them,And we will breakYour white wings,And you'll become one of usJust a man in the smoke of a cafe,You'll be a fallen angel.

Clean the streets with your tears,Bleed till morning and paint the city,Write on each and every wall,Your own words as the last gift:"Love will save us!"That's the motto of the day,The truth is written on the wall,With colour as red as blood,The truth is written on the wall.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Istina piše na zidu by Film. Or Istina piše na zidu poem lyrics. Film Istina piše na zidu text in English. Also can be known by title Istina pise na zidu (Film) text. This page also contains a translation, and Istina pise na zidu meaning.