Film "Dom" lyrics

Translation to:en


Moj dom je dole u predgrađuod centra prema zapadugdje Sunce sja kad zalazigdje Sunce sja samo kad zalazi

Moj dom je tamo gdje si timoja draga ljubavimoj dom je tamo, tamo gdje sam jatakva je moja sudbina

Na mojoj kući tri parolehoćemo, živio i dolea na fasadi odmah iznad vratatri rupe od metka iz prošlog rata

Ref.Tu ne može ništa niti Bogsamo jedno mjestona svijetu se zove dom

Na mojoj kući tri parolehoćemo, živio i dolea na fasadi odmah iznad vratatri rupe od metka iz prošlog rata

Noćas ću preći granicuokrećem novu stranicui u lokalu pored staniceja pjevam da pucaju glasnice


Samo jedno mjestona svijetu se zove dom

Kada zalazigdje Sunce sjasamo kada zalazi


Samo jedno mjestona svijetu se zove dom


My home is down there, in the suburbWestwards from the centreWhere Sun shines when it setsWhere Sun shines only when it sets

My home is in the place where are youMy dear loveMy home is in the place where am IThat's my destiny

There are three slogans on my house:"We want", "Long live" and "Down with him"And on the facade, right above the doorThree bullet holes from last war

Chorus:Not even God could do anything about itThere is only one placeIn the world called home

There are three slogans on my house:"We want", "Long live" and "Down with him"And on the facade, right above the doorThree bullet holes from last war

Tonight I'm passing the borderI'm turning a new pageAnd in the bar next to the stationI'm singing so loud my vocal cords break


There is only one placeIn the world called home

When it setsWhere Sun shinesOnly when it sets


There is only one placeIn the world called home

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Dom by Film. Or Dom poem lyrics. Film Dom text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Dom meaning.