Belén Moreno "El ladron de ilusiones" lyrics

Translation to:en

El ladron de ilusiones

El ladron de ilusiones niño a ti te llamanporque vas por la vida destrozandome el almano te das cuenta que con tus decisionesestas separando nuestros dos corazones

Ay mi madre me lo decia y ese a ti no te convienepero las cosas del cariño no hay nadie que las goviernetu me decias que me querias que no haga caso de la gente

Me prometiste un castillo y un palacio de cristalY fueron pasando los años y nunca me traiste na'Jugaste con mis sentimientos con tus mentiras y falsedad

Por eso comprendo yoPorque nos pasamos el dia como el gato y el ratoncomo la noche y el dia como el poli y el ladrónPorque nos pasamos el dia como la luna y el sol

El ladron de ilusiones niño a ti te llamanporque vas por la vida destrozandome el almano te das cuenta que con tus decisionesestas separando nuestros dos corazones (bis)

Tu te ibas con tus amigos, y yo tenia que esperarteY me quedaba sola en casa y no pasabas a buscarmeMe pasaba la noche en vela y yo loquita por besarle

Me prometiste un castillo y un palacio de cristalY fueron pasando los años y nunca me traiste na'Jugaste con mis sentimientos con tus mentiras y falsedad

Por eso comprendo yoPorque nos pasamos el dia como el gato y el ratoncomo la noche y el dia como el poli y el ladrónPorque nos pasamos el dia como la luna y el sol

El ladron de ilusiones niño a ti te llamanporque vas por la vida destrozandome el almano te das cuenta que con tus decisionesestas separando nuestros dos corazones (bis)

Thief of Dreams

The thief of dreams boy that's what they call youbecause you go through life ripping my soul apartYou don't realize that with you decisionsYou are separating both of our hearts

Oh my mother would tell me "he is not good for you"But the matters of love nobody can controlYou would tell me that you loved me and thatI shouldn't listen to what people say

You promised me a castle and a crystal palaceAnd the years went by and you never brought me nothingYou played with my feelings with your lies and falseness

That is why I understandWhy we go through out the day like a cat and mouseLike the night and day, like the police and the thiefWhy we go through out the day like the moon and the sun

The thief of dreams boy that's what they call youbecause you go through life ripping my soul apartYou don't realize that with you decisionsYou are separating both of our hearts

You would leave with your friends, and I would have to waitY would stay home alone and you wouldn't come to look for meI would wait throughout the night hoping and crazy to kiss you

You promised me a castle and a crystal palaceAnd the years went by and you never brought me nothingYou played with my feelings with your lies and falseness

That is why I understandWhy we go through out the day like a cat and mouseLike the night and day, like the police and the thiefWhy we go through out the day like the moon and the sun

The thief of dreams boy that's what they call youbecause you go through life ripping my soul apartYou don't realize that with you decisionsYou are separating both of our hearts

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song El ladron de ilusiones by Belén Moreno. Or El ladron de ilusiones poem lyrics. Belén Moreno El ladron de ilusiones text in English. This page also contains a translation, and El ladron de ilusiones meaning.