Belén Moreno "Niños del estrecho" lyrics

Translation to:en

Niños del estrecho

Te digo que no que no entiendo de un colorNo encuentro la diferencia que no que noCon los niños del estrecho tambien da negro a mi corazón

Se cobijan cuando llueveSe tapan si tienen frioSe rien si estan alegresY lloran si le han reñidoQue por mucho que los miroYo veo que somos igualesNo entiendo como hay personasQue los llamen ilegales

Si tu quieres te ayudó a cruzar el estrechoYo te daré cobijo bajo mi techoTe ofrezco mi bocadilloY hasta un trocito de corazón

Te digo que no que no entiendo de colorNo encuentro la diferencia que no que noCon los niños del estrecho tambien da negro a mi corazónUn trocito de corazón

Ellos vienen en paterasY hasta se juegan la vidaPor buscar un mundo nuevoY encontrar una salidaNo me importa donde venganNo me importan sus papelesSi le miro la caritaMi corazón se detiene

Ellos son inocentesY no entienden nadaSe despiertan llorandoEn la madrugadaNavegando en una barquitaQue a un mundo nuevo apunta el timón

Te digo que no que no entiendo de un colorNo encuentro la diferencia que no que noCon los niños del estrecho tambien da negro a mi corazón

Si tu quieres te ayudó a cruzar el estrechoYo te daré cobijo bajo mi techoTe ofrezco mi bocadilloY hasta un trocito de corazón

Te digo que no que no entiendo de un colorNo encuentro la diferencia que no que noCon los niños del estrecho tambien da negro a mi corazón

Children of the narrow

I tell you that I don't , I don't understand one colourI don't find the difference, I don't, I don'tWith the children of the narrow also giving black to my heart

They cover up when it rainsThey roll in when they're coldThey laugh when they are happyAnd cry when they get into troubleAnd no matter how much I look at themI see we are the sameI don't see how there can be anyoneTo call them illegals

If you want to I help you cross the narrowI'll give you cover under my roofI offer you my bread rollAnd what's more a little piece of my heart

I tell you that I don't , I don't understand one colourI don't find the difference, I don't, I don'tWith the children of the narrow also giving black to my heartA little piece of their heart

They come here in a nutshellAnd they're playing with their livesIn order to look for a new worldAnd to find an escapeI don't care where they come fromI don't care about their papersIf I look into their small facesMy heart gets caught

They are innocentAnd they don't understand anythingThey wake up cryingIn the dawnSailing in a plastic boatFor a new world to hold the steering wheel

I tell you that I don't understand one colourI don't find the difference, I don't, I don'tWith the children of the narrow also giving black to my heart

If you want to I help you cross the narrowI'll give you cover under my roofI offer you my bread rollAnd what's more a little piece of my heart

I tell you that I don't understand one colourI don't find the difference, I don't, I don'tWith the children of the narrow also giving black to my heart

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Niños del estrecho by Belén Moreno. Or Niños del estrecho poem lyrics. Belén Moreno Niños del estrecho text in English. Also can be known by title Ninos del estrecho (Belen Moreno) text. This page also contains a translation, and Ninos del estrecho meaning.