Belén Moreno "El musico loco" lyrics

Translation to:bgen

El musico loco

caminando por la calle puedes vercon su camiseta del reves su pantalonroto y su bolsillo amarillocontandoles cosas a los chiquilloses un musico extraño y singulardice que nunca deja de tocarsu viejo instrumento siempre imaginariode cosas que encuentra por el barriodice que una orquesta va ha montarcon intrumentos del cielo y el marque estan preparados que ya va ha sonar

pal musico loco el viento son trompetasdice que las nubes seran panderetasdice que la luna le marca el compasdice que las palmas son olas del mar(bis)

dice que ha empezado a componeruna melodia que es de mieldonde le canta versos a la lunapara que se enamore de elcuentan que le han visto comentarque el sol es un tambor qu es de verdadpero que no quiere tocar por la nochepor que prefiere no molestardice que una orquesta va ha montarcon intrumentos del cielo y del marque estan preparados que ya va ha sonar

pal musico loco el viento son trompetasdice que las nubes seran panderetasdice que la luna le marca el compasdice que las palmas son olas del mar(bis)

caminando por la calle puedes vercon su camiseta del reves su pantalonroto y su bolsillo amarillocontandoles cosas a los chiquillosdice que una orquesta va ha montarcon intrumentos del cielo y del marque estan preparados que ya va ha sonar

pal musico loco el viento son trompetasdice que las nubes seran panderetasdice que la luna le marca el compasdice que las palmas son olas del mar(bis)

The mad musician

Walking on the streets you can see himWith his t-shirt inside out, his trousersTorn and his yellow pocketTelling stories to his buddiesHe's an extra and single musicianHe says he never stops playingHis old instrument always imaginingSomething he's foun in the quarterHe says he's gonna build up an orchestraWith instruments of Heaven and seaBe prepared to hear it sound

For the mad musician the wind are trumpetsHe says that clouds are tambourinesHe says that the moon marks the rhythmHe says the palmleaves are the waves of the sea (twice)

He says he satrted to composeA melody made of honeyWhere he sings verses to the moonSo she falls in love with himThey say they've seen him consideringThat the sun is really a drumBut that it doesn't want to play at nightBecause it prefers not to molestHe says he's gonna build up an orchestraWith instruments of Heaven and seaBe prepared to hear it sound

For the mad musician the wind are trumpetsHe says that clouds are tambourinesHe says that the moon marks the rhythmHe says the palmleaves are the waves of the sea (twice)

Walking on the streets you can see himWith his t-shirt inside out, his trousersTorn and his yellow pocketTelling stories to his buddiesHe says he's gonna build up an orchestraWith instruments of Heaven and seaBe prepared to hear it sound

For the mad musician the wind are trumpetsHe says that clouds are tambourinesHe says that the moon marks the rhythmHe says the palmleaves are the waves of the sea (twice)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song El musico loco by Belén Moreno. Or El musico loco poem lyrics. Belén Moreno El musico loco text in English. This page also contains a translation, and El musico loco meaning.