Belén Moreno "Quien te crees" lyrics

Translation to:en

Quien te crees

Dicen, las malas lenguas que tu eres un locoque cuentas mas mentiras que palabras hablasque crees que por tu cara yo sere para ti

Y pienso que el inmaduro para ti es pocoque te pones medallas pero haces bien pocoy encima tu te creesque vales mas que yo

Y una cosa de saberque mentiras son las justas corazon

Quien te creespara engañarmequien te creespara gritarmequien te creespara dañar mi corazon

Quien te creespara engañarmequien te creespara gritarmequien te creespara dañar mi corazon

Hoy el juego ya acabo

Cuantas noches de espera el alma entre mis sueñosbuscando algún motivo pa que seas mi dueñoy la verdad no tienes nada que ofrecerpor eso, hoy esta tonta se viste de reinay harta de mentiras cogo yo las riendaspor que llorar por ti?si no me das amor

Y una cosa de saberque mentiras son las justas corazón

Quien te creespara engañarmequien te creespara gritarmequien te creespara dañar mi corazon

Quien te creespara engañarmequien te creespara gritarmequien te creespara dañar mi corazón

Hoy el juego ya acabo x2

Who do you think you are?

They say, the bad tongues that you are crazythat you say more lies than wordsyou think that because of your pretty face I will be yours

I think that calling you immature is not enoughyou put on medals but you don't do enoughand you even thinkthat you are worth more than me

And there's one think I knowthat lies are the right ones, love

Who do you think you are?to trick mewho do you think you are?to yell at mewho do you think you are?to damage my heart

Who do you think you are?to trick mewho do you think you are?to yell at mewho do you think you are?to damage my heart

Today this game has ended

So many nights of waiting, my soul within my dreamsSearching for a reason for you to be my ownerbut the truth is that you have nothing to offerthat's why, today this dumb woman is dressing like a queenand tired of lies I am taking chargewhy should I cry for you?if you don't give me love

And there's one think I knowthat lies are the right ones, love

Who do you think you are?to trick mewho do you think you are?to yell at mewho do you think you are?to damage my heart

Who do you think you are?to trick mewho do you think you are?to yell at mewho do you think you are?to damage my heart

Today this game has ended (X2)

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Quien te crees by Belén Moreno. Or Quien te crees poem lyrics. Belén Moreno Quien te crees text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Quien te crees meaning.