Blaumut "De moment" lyrics

Translation to:enesfrlv

De moment

Mirant de veure el temps,les pomes verdes i aquest cel desert.La ciutat dels errorsavui és com un bosc tot ple de menta.

Només veig un fanal,i tres ocells a la branca d’un bar.Simplement no és dilluns,i el teu desembre no es refreda mai.

De moment, de moment,seurem aquí, veurem passar la gent, i, potser,les nostres siluetes també, no ho sé…,vestides amb paraules i un barret.

Els cotxes ambulants,tu condueixes frases sense mans,i el solet als botonsdel teu abric mirant per la finestra.I la llum als raconsde tots els pensaments, però…

De moment, de moment,seurem aquí, veurem passar la gent, i, potser,les nostres siluetes també, no ho sé…,vestides amb paraules i un barret.

Caminant, caminant,faran coses curioses d’un passat tronat,i pujaran a un taxi mig aparcatcap a una terrasseta on veure el mar.

For the time being

Trying to see the time,the green apples and this deserted sky.The city of mistakestoday looks like a forest full of mint.

I only see a lamp post,and three birds in the branch of a bar.It's just not Monday,and your December never gets cold.

For the time beingwe'll sit here, watch people come by, and maybeour silhouettes too, I don't know...Dressed with words and a hat.

The passing cars.You drive sentences with no hands,and the Sun in the buttonsof your coat while you stare at the window.And light in the cornersof every thought, but...

For the time beingwe'll sit here, watch people come by, and maybeour silhouettes too, I don't know...Dressed with words and a hat.

Walking bythey'll do weird things from a wasted past,and will jump on a cab half parkedto a terrace where they'll stare at the sea.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song De moment by Blaumut. Or De moment poem lyrics. Blaumut De moment text in English. This page also contains a translation, and De moment meaning.