Blaumut "Bicicletes" lyrics

Translation to:enesitpt


A la línia recta bicicletes sense llum,un satèl·lit que comença on perdo el cap.Un camí fet d'herba,els teus llavis són de vidre congelat.

Vaig descalç i penso imatges ceguesde les platges que només podria veure sota el llit.

Deixa’t de paraules,ara penja des d’un arbreaquesta llum de contra hivern.Només digues que penses,llum de contra hivern.

Un dilluns perfecte, bicicletes sense mans,tinc un pas de zebra nou, recent pintat.Vols gelat de menta?les finestres semblen de paper mullat.

Tant soroll que falta l’aire,he perdut la brúixola i el nord que dec haver guardat per aquí.

Deixa’t de paraules,ara penja des d’un arbreaquesta llum de contra hivern.Només digues que penses,llum de contra hivern.


On the straight line, bycicles without lighta satellite that starts where I lose my headA road made of grass,your lips are made of frozen glass.

I walk barefoot and think of blind imagesof the beaches I could only see under my bed.

Leave the wordsand hang from a treethis light opposite to winter.Just tell me what you're thinkinglight against the winter.

A perfect monday, bycicles without hands,I have a new crossing road, just painted.Do you want mint ice-cream?The windows seem made of wet paper.

So much noise that we are lacking airI lost the compass and the north that I must have kept here somewhere

Leave the wordsand hang from a treethis light opposite to winter.Just tell me what you're thinkinglight against the winter.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Bicicletes by Blaumut. Or Bicicletes poem lyrics. Blaumut Bicicletes text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Bicicletes meaning.