Alexandrina Hristov "Nimic nu e ca tine" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

Nimic nu e ca tine

Zburam, avioane negre,creștea viteza-n speedometre,și eu zburam cu eledeasupra țării mele.

Nimic nu e ca tine,ca tine nu e, nu e, nu e.Nimic nu e ca tine,ca tine nu e, nu e, nu e.

Zburam... rapid - rapid spre soare;ștergeam fruntea de sudoare,crăpau buzele uscate, hei,temperaturi înalte.

Nimic nu e ca tine,ca tine nu e, nu e, nu e.Nimic nu e ca tine,ca tine nu e, nu e, nu e.

Zburam, fugeam de la o cățea turbată;și avionul se topea pe mine,ardeam și nu simțeam...

Nimic nu e ca tine,ca tine nu e, nu e, nu e.Nimic nu e ca tine,ca tine nu e, nu e, nu e.

M-am scos din avion, cazândpiatră - iute-nspre pământ.Spărgeam cerul ca pasăreaVisam să cad în țara mea...

Nimic nu e ca tine,ca tine nu e nimeni.Nimic nu e ca tine,ca tine nu e...

There is Nothing Like You

I was flying, black airplanes,speed was raising in speedometres,and I was flying with themabove my country.

There is nothing like you,nothing like you, no, no.There is nothing like you,nothing like you, no, no.

I was flying... fast - fast towards the sun;wiping the sweat of the forehead,the dry lips were chapping, hey,high temperatures.

There is nothing like you,nothing like you, no, no.There is nothing like you,nothing like you, no, no.

I was flying, runing away from a mad dog;and the plane was melting on me,I was burning without feeling it...

There is nothing like you,nothing like you, no, no.There is nothing like you,nothing like you, no, no.

I got myself out of the plane, fallingrock - fast towards earth.I was breaking the sky like a bird.I was dreaming to fall in my country...

There is nothing like you,nothing like you, no, no.There is nothing like you,nothing like you, no, no.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Nimic nu e ca tine by Alexandrina Hristov. Or Nimic nu e ca tine poem lyrics. Alexandrina Hristov Nimic nu e ca tine text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Nimic nu e ca tine meaning.