Alexandrina Hristov "Printre flori" lyrics

Translation to:enfrru

Printre flori

Printre flori te-am căutat,Printre munți și stele... le... le... le... le...Zile-ntregi și nopți la rând,Și nu te-am găsit.

Poate rău te cat*, te cat, ai-aiPoate cerul m-a mințit,Chiar și marea-n lung și-n lat... ai-ai-ai-a-iaa...

Chiar și marea-n lung și-n lat,Și nisiupu-am treierat, ai-ra-ra-ra-rai...Balene am omorât,Și nu te-am găsit.

Poate rău te cat, te cat, i-aaat...Poate marea m-a mințit,Chiar și codrii din pământ... ai-ai-ai-a-iaa...

Am smuls codrii din pământ,Am băut livezi de poamă,Am căzut de mii de ori,Doar gândind că te-ai ascuns sub flori... o... o... o... a...

Poate rău te cat, te cat, i-aaa...Poate lumea m-a mințit,Unde ești, iubirea mea?A, iai, iai, a-i-ai, aai...

Among flowers

I've searched for you among flowers,Among mountains and stars.....Days and nights in a row,But I haven't found you.

Maybe I'm searching for you in the wrong places, searching for you.....Maybe Heaven has lied to meEven the wide sea .....

Even the wide sea,I have even threshed the sand........killed whales,But haven't found you.

Maybe I'm searching you in the wrong places, searching for you......Maybe the sea has lied to me,Even the woods off the ground......

I have plucked the woods off the ground,I have drunk orchards of fruit,I have fallen down thousands of times,Just at the thought that maybe you've hidden under flowers...............

Maybe I'm searching for you in the wrong places, searching for you..........Maybe the world has lied to me,Where are you, my love?..................................

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Printre flori by Alexandrina Hristov. Or Printre flori poem lyrics. Alexandrina Hristov Printre flori text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Printre flori meaning.