Serge Reggiani "L'italien" lyrics

Translation to:deen


C'est moi, c'est l'ItalienEst-ce qu'il y a quelqu'unEst-ce qu'il y a quelqu'uneD'ici j'entends le chienEt si tu n'es pas morteOuvre-moi sans rancuneJe rentre un peu tard je sais18 ans de retard c'est vraiMais j'ai trouvé mes allumettesDans une rue du MassachussettsIl est fatiguant le voyagePour un enfant de mon âge

Ouvre-moi, ouvre-moi la porteIo non ne posso proprio piùSe ci sei, aprimi la portaNon sai come è stato laggiù

Je reviens au logisJ'ai fais tous les métiersVoleur, équilibristeMaréchal des logisComédien, braconnierEmpereur et pianisteJ'ai connu des femmes, oui maisJe joue bien mal aux dames, tu saisDu temps que j'étais chercheur d'orElles m'ont tout pris, j'en pleure encoreLà-dessus le temps est passéQuand j'avais le dos tourné

Ouvre-moi, ouvre-moi la porteIo non ne posso proprio piùSe ci sei, aprimi la portaDiro come è stato laggiù

C'est moi, c'est l'ItalienJe reviens de si loinLa route était mauvaiseEt tant d'années aprèsTant de chagrins aprèsJe rêve d'une chaiseOuvre, tu es là, je saisJe suis tellement las, tu saisIl ne me reste qu'une chanceC'est que tu n'aies pas eu ta chanceMais ce n'est plus le même chienEt la lumière s'éteint

Ouvrez-moi, ouvrez une porteIo non ne posso proprio piùSe ci siete, aprite una portaDiro come è stato laggiù

The Italian

It's me, it's the ItalianIs there anyone?Is there any woman?From here I can hear the dogAnd if you're not deadLet me in without grudgeI'm coming home a little late, I know18 years late, that's trueBut I've found my matchesIn a street of Massachusetts!It's a journey full of rigoursFor a boy in my age

Let me in, open the doorI really can't any longerIf you're here, let me inYou don't know how it was over there

I'm coming back homeI've worked as everything:As thief, tightrope walker,Marshal-of-Lodgings1Actor, poacher,Emperor and pianist,I've known other women, true butI play really poorly the draughts2, you know...At the time when I was a gold diggerThey3 took me everything, I'm still crying on itTime passed by over thatWhen my back was turned

Let me in, open the doorI really can't any longerIf you're here, let me inYou don't know how it was over there

It's me, it's the ItalianI'm back from very far away4The road was poorAnd, after so many years,After so many heartachesI'm dreaming of a chairOpen the door, you're here, I know itI'm so weary, you knowI no longer have any luck but one:That you haven't got your chance yetBut it's no longer the same dogAnd someone turned off the light

Let me in, someone open a door5I really can't any longerIf there's someone here, let me inI'll tell how it was over there

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song L'italien by Serge Reggiani. Or L'italien poem lyrics. Serge Reggiani L'italien text in English. Also can be known by title Litalien (Serge Reggiani) text. This page also contains a translation, and Litalien meaning.