Marchelo "Čep" lyrics

Translation to:en


Čep. Ja sam čovek čep. I nisam superheroj, nego žrtva.

1.strofa:Kada otvaranje duše ima zvuk otvaranja flaše,zna se: razgovor će tu malo šta da spase.A i šta da joj kažeš? Reči iščašene od čaše,što očas na očaj zabazde, slome se i zgade.A mali je sad prvi razred. Sluša, ćuti, trpi, šta će.Svađe i čarke mame i tate, i uvek ta reč: pare, pare.I nisu izvor sreće, tako učio si ga, ćale,ali tamo gde ih nema, nesreća još kako naraste.Ti bi zagulio članke, ali ti nisi član stranke,a sad ti vezu traže čak i da bi radio kao šanker.Samo stid, beda, diploma bleda, kraj s krajem,tome kraja nema. I ajde ti i žena… kako mali da nema?I drobi ga taj tajac kad zajmi da vrati zajam,njeno ćutanje mu gora kazna no kad preti gazda stana.Raspori se, kožo, da vrisak izađe naglas!Evo opet – kafana, opet u ruci je čaša.Ali tada – crni čovek... tople oči, lepa reč,kaže: „Vidi, nije kraj. Imam plan, imam sve.Azerbejdžan. Građevina. Malo mučno, ali keš.Evo ruke, samo reci: da li hoćeš, da li smeš?”

Refren1:I kao kada izvučeš čep, iscure očaj i bes.Po stolu prosu se jed i poniženje i žeđda učini se baš sve, samo kad bi znao šta…Čoveče dobri, nebo mi te šalje, ti si spas!Jer više nemam kud, a ako padnem ja,šta bi tek oni tad? To samo bog zna...Učinio bih baš sve, samo da imam šta.Druže moj, nebo te šalje za spas.

2. strofa:Baku, mnogo ljudi što spaja ih isti jad,ista glad, iste oči, ista volja da spasu stvar.Ali ovaj obećani grad bar miriše na nadu:sagradiće život dok budu gradili tu zgradu.Doduše, njih dvadeset u sobi, bez struje...ali to je valjda privremeno, sve će to bolje da bude.I malo je čudno što svaki pasoš im je uzet,no dobro, birokratija, radne vize, šta je – tu je.Dani teku. Evo već jedan mesec. Samo jedan toalet,a njih je devedeset. Sendvič u crnoj kesi, onoj kao za smeće.Struje i dalje nema, samo ovo tanko ćebe.Malo il’ nimalo sna, a radnih sati petnaest.Psuju ih, grde, jednog čak i tukli u besvest.Nemaš ni dana da daneš, jer kazne te čim staneš,a one dobre plate samo kasne, i kasne, i kasne...

Refren2:I sad znam, sve laž je! Slagao si me, brate!Došao da ih spasem, sad oni meni šalju pare!Bez pasoša, bez hrane, bez dostojanstva i nadeda odavde uopšte živu glavu čitavu ikada spasem.I opet nemam kud, a ako padnem ja,šta bi tek oni tad? To samo bog zna...Ćuti i trpi sad sve, sve poniženje i jad...Šta si mi to uradio? Mislio sam da si spas...

3. strofa:Znao je da sad je već pitanje žive glavekad kolegu uze infarkt, jer mu ne dadoše da s radom stane.Skupljaše pare da nekako telo kući vrate,strepeći da ni sami drukčije neće otići odatle.Jer svako ko se bunio, osim novčane kazne,beše i do krvi mlaćen, s pretnjom da je zadnje.Policija ne haje, ti si roba, robe, neka te.Ko zna ko je sve umešan, tek užas ne prestaje.Ali onda to, odjednom, puče sve:tokom noći, neki čovek reče: „Krećite.Samo ovde potpiši da je dobro sve,da ti je plaćen keš i da sve beše fer.”I tako to sa svakim pojedinačno,Onda mu baci kao psu neku siću na pod.Potom sve njih u kombi, k’o da je tor.Аerodrom, i to beše to.

To? Zar je to sve? Gde je kraj, šta je posle?E pa vidiš, tu je problem: sad i priča ima svoj čep.Ti ljudi, sad su ovde. Oni ćute, jer se boje.A tamo negde, crni čovek u ovaj košmar vodi nove.

Refren3:Ali onda kad izvuče se čep, cureće očaj i bes,po stolu prosuće jed i poniženje i žeđda učini se baš sve, samo kad bi smeo šta,samo kad bi neko stvarno začuo taj njihov glas.Čuo bi očaj i bes, jed, poniženje i žeđda učini se baš sve, samo kad bi smeo šta…Samo kad bi smeo da… samo kad bi smeo da…Samo kad bi…



Plug. I am a plug man. And I am not a superhero,I am a victim.

1.stropheWhen sound of the soul opening is the same like sound of the opening of a bottle, that is clear: the conversation will not help much there. And what are you able to say to her? The twisted words made by a glass of beer that sometimes stink like a despair, that break and become disgusting. And their little son is going to the first class of the school. He listens, he keeps quiet, suffers, what else to do. Quarrels and fights of mom and dad and always that word: money,money. They are not source of the happiness-that's what you taught him,daddy. But if there is lack of the money, the trouble becomes bigger. You would work your fingers to the bones, but you are not the member of some party. And now you need to have some "famous cousin" even to work as a waiter. There is just a shame,a misery, a pale diploma,making ends meet, and there is no end of it. OK.You and your wife... but how to feed a son ? And that hush is crushing him when he borrows to repay a loan. Her silence is worse punishment for him than threats of the flat owner. Rip up, skin, that scream can go out loudly! And again - cafe. There is again glass inside of a hand.But than - the black man appeared...warm eyes, kind words.He said: " Look. That's not so bad. I have plan. I have everything. Azerbaijan. Building. A bit difficult, but there will be a cash. Deal? Just say do you want it, are you able to do it ?"

Ref:And it happens the same way as you pull out a plug - a despair and the rage flow out. There, over a table were spilled a resentment and the humiliation and thirst to do anything, just if he would know what to do... Oh good man. Sky sent you for me. You are a salvation. Because I don't have other way out. And if I fall down, what would they do? Only God knows... I would do anything, just if there is opportunity. My friend. Sky sends you to me as salvation.

2.stropheBaku. Many people who are connected by the same resentment, same hunger,same eyes,same will for saving their thing. But this "Promised city" at least smells like hope-they will build a life while they are building that building. Admittedly, 20 of them is in one room, without electricity...but it is probably temporary, it all will be better soon.And that's a bit weird that of each of them a passport is taken.But that's OK. Bureaucracy. Working visas. What to do. The days are passing. One month is already passed. Only one toilet is there, and there are 90 people together. A sandwich in the black bag - like the one for a trash. Electricity still doesn't work , there is just this thin blanket. Little or none of a sleep, and fifteen working hours. They are cursing them,scolding them. One man is even beaten by them till he faint. You don't have a single day to take a rest because they punish you as soon as you stop with the work, and those good salaries are late...and late...

ref.And now I know-everything is lie! You lied to me,bro! I came to save them, but now they are sending money to me! Without a passport. Without a food. Without dignity and hope that I will ever bring all of me out of here. And again I have no another choice. And if I fall down what would they do than? Only God knows it. Shut up and suffer all this, all the humiliation and misery ...What have you done to me? I thought you were salvation ...

3.stropheHe knew that it was now a matter of life and deathwhen his colleague was died after suffering a heart attack because they didn't allow him to stop with a work. They were saving money that somehow send a dead body to his home, with their own fears that it's only option for them to go back to home too. Because anyone who protested, in addition to the fines,was beaten till his blood comes out, with the threat that it's the last time he did it. Police doesn't care. You are a merchandise, slave, everything is OK. Who knows who was involved in that act. This horror doesn't stop. But then it all suddenly cracked. During the night. Some man just said: " Go. Just put your sign here that everything is OK, that you got a cash and that everything was fair." And they did it with each of them. And then they throw them some bucks on the floor like to the dogs. And after that they put all of them inside of the van like it is a cote.An airport- and that was all.

That? That was all ? Where is the end? What is going to happen after? Well,look. There is a problem. Now each story has its own plug. Those people. They are here now. They keeps quiet because they are afraid. And somewhere a black man leads new people to this nightmare.

ref.But then when plug is pulled out, there will leak despair and the rage,they will spill resentment and humiliation over a tableand thirst to do everything, if they would not be afraid to do, just if someone would really hear that their voice. We would hear despair and the rage, resentment, humiliation and the thirst to do everything for that, if we wouldn't be afraid of doing something... if we would be able to... if we would be able to...if we...


Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Čep by Marchelo. Or Čep poem lyrics. Marchelo Čep text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Čep meaning.