Maria Luisa Congiu "Sa notte 'e sa jana" lyrics

Translation to:enesit

Sa notte 'e sa jana

De sos contos intesos dae sende minoreOe paren suspesos che tempus bennidore.

M’ides in sa natura linna, foza o fioreSo bellesa e durcura, so sa jana 'e s’amore.

Jana, t’apo incontrada passizende in su monteS’anima ispantada dachi mi fis defronte.

Est solu disingannu, non t’isetes fortunaNo at a benner mai s’annu d’esser sole cun luna.

Ma in custa notte sa luna un’ispera de sole at collidu pro meCusta est sa vera fortuna, connoscher s’amore chi 'enit pro te.

So sa jana 'e s’amore e i’sa notte est sa miaE pro custu bos canto una notte 'e majìa.

Pro custa notte ebbìa, oh jana, t’imploro cun mecus arreaChin cuss’ammentu in su coro ap’a istare serenu una vida intrea.

So sa jana 'e s’amore e i’sa notte est sa miaE pro custu bos canto una notte ’e majìa.

De sa die su lugore s’est ispartu in s’aeraTando restat s’ispera de unu sonniu de amore.

The Night Of The Jana

The stories I heard since I was a childThey seem to be floating now like the future.

You can see me in the nature I am tree, leaf or flowerI am beauty and sweetness, I am the jana1 of love.

Jana, I met you while you were walking on the mountainMy soul leaped as soon as you were appeared in front of me.

It is only an illusion, don’t hope for luck, because will never come the year on which the sun and the moon will be together.

But the moon collected a hope of sun for me in this nightThis is the real fortune to know the love that comes for you.

I am the jana of love, the night is mineAnd so I sing you a night of magic.

Just for tonight, oh jana, I beg you to stay with me.With that memory in my heart I’ll be serene for a lifetime.

I am the jana of love, the night is mineAnd so I sing you a night of magic.

Daylight is dispersed in the airSo remains the hope of a love dream.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Sa notte 'e sa jana by Maria Luisa Congiu. Or Sa notte 'e sa jana poem lyrics. Maria Luisa Congiu Sa notte 'e sa jana text in English. Also can be known by title Sa notte e sa jana (Maria Luisa Congiu) text. This page also contains a translation, and Sa notte e sa jana meaning.