Maria Luisa Congiu "Cando" lyrics

Translation to:en


Cando est interighinende,cando su sole est calende,cando sa die est finende,cando a mie ses pensende,cando ses istraca meda,cando pensas a sa vida,cando perdes sos ammentos,cando iscurtas sos turmentos...

Cando sighis s’istrada,cando tue leas sa falada,cando ries, ses cuntenta,cando ries a manu tenta,cando li cantas sa ninnia,cando dromit sa pitzinna,cando la jocas a lettu,cando la pienas de affetu,

Tando est s’ora chi mi james,deo t’intendo e non ti so lontanuTando est s’ora chi mi james,deo t’intendo, t’intendoe non ti so lontanu.

Cando est interighinende,cando su sole est calende

Cando sa die est finende,cando a mie ses pensende

Tando est s’ora chi mi james,deo t’intendo, t’intendo, t’intendoe non ti so lontanu

Cando est interighinende,cando su sole est calende

Cando sa die est finendeAperi sa janna chi so torrende.


When it’s getting dark,When the sun is setting,When the day is ending,When you’re thinking of me,When you’re very tired,When you're thinking about life,When you lose your memories,When you listen to your worries…

When you’re on your way,When you take the road downhill,When you laugh, you’re happy,When you laugh, holding hands,When you sing her a lullaby,When the little girl is asleep,When you make her play in bed,When you fill her with affection,

Then it’s time to call me,I can hear you and I’m not away from you.Then it’s time to call me,I can hear you, I can hear youAnd I’m not away from you.

When it’s getting dark,When the sun is setting,

When the day is ending,When you’re thinking of me,

Then it’s time to call me,I can hear you, I hear you, I hear youAnd I’m not away from you.

When it’s getting dark,When the sun is setting,

When the day is ending,Open the door, that I’m getting home.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Cando by Maria Luisa Congiu. Or Cando poem lyrics. Maria Luisa Congiu Cando text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Cando meaning.