Pasărea Colibri "Dintr-o carte" lyrics

Translation to:en

Dintr-o carte

Am vazut adancul,Acolo sus in munti,Am vazut si invingatorii,I-am vazut pe cei infranti.

Am plutit cu noriiDeasupra de vulcan,Am fost cel mai bogat din lumeCand n-aveam nici un ban.

Am intalnit si moarteaPe cand eram baiat,Dar m-am indragostit de viataAproape imediat.

Reclame si deliruri,Si fete, poezii,Am fost si cersetor si regeChiar in aceeasi zi.

Cat am ras, cat am plansNu mai stiu, poate-i scris in vreo carte,Maine sigur zorii ma vor luminaSi-am sa plec mai departe.

Am vazut bancheriiIn limuzine lungi,Am vazut si autostrazi pe unde,In cer poti sa ajungi.

Am vazut razboaieSi rani fara sfarsit,Am vazut si-ndragostiti pe valuriSi eu cat am iubït.

Cat am ras, cat am plansNu mai stiu, poate-i scris in vreo carte,Maine sigur zorii ma vor luminaSi-am sa plec mai departe.

Cat am ras, cat am plansNu mai stiu, poate-i scris in vreo carte,Maine sigur zorii ma vor luminaSi-am sa plec mai departe.

In a book

I've seen the deep,High there in the mountainsI've seen both the winners,and those who were defeated.

I've floated with the cloudsabove the volcano,I've been the richest man of the worldwhen I didn't have one cent.

I've also encountered deathwhen I was a boy,but I fell in love with lifealmost immediately.

Publicity and delusions,(and) girls, poetryI've been beggar and kingeven during the same day.

How much I've laughed, how much I've cried?I don't know anymore, maybe it's written in some book,Tomorrow it's sure that the morning will light me upAnd I'll move on further.

I've seen bankersin long limousinesI've also seen highways,that could bring you to the sky.

I've seen warsand injuries, endlesslyI've also seen lovers on the wavesthat I also had loved so much.

How much I've laughed, how much I've cried?I don't know anymore, maybe it's written in some book,Tomorrow it's sure that the morning will light me upAnd I'll move on further.

How much I've laughed, how much I've cried?I don't know anymore, maybe it's written in some book,Tomorrow it's sure that the morning will light me upAnd I'll move on further.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Dintr-o carte by Pasărea Colibri. Or Dintr-o carte poem lyrics. Pasărea Colibri Dintr-o carte text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Dintr-o carte meaning.