Petros Gaitanos "I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω) 2nd Part" lyrics

Translation to:en

I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω) 2nd Part

Καθελῶν σέ, Λόγεἀπό ξύλου νεκρόν,ἐν μνημείω Ἰωσήφ νῦν κατέθετο.Ἀλλ' ἀνάστα, σώζων πάντας ὡς Θεός.

Τῶν ἀγγέλων, Σῶτερ,χαρμονή πεφυκῶς,νῦν καί λύπης τούτοις γέγονας αἴτιος,καθορώμενος σαρκί ἀπνοῦς νεκρός.

Ὑψωθέν ἐν ξύλω,καί τούς ζώντας βροτούςσυνυψοῖςˑ ὑπό τήν γῆν δέ γενόμενος,τούς κειμένους ὑπ' αὐτήν ἑξανιστᾶς.

Ὥσπερ λέων, Σῶτερ,ἀφυπνώσας σαρκί,ὡς τίς σκύμνος ὁ νεκρός ἐξανίστασαι,ἀποθέμενος τό γῆρας τῆς σαρκός.

Ὁ ζωῆς ταμίαςπῶς ὀρᾶται νεκρός;ἐκπληττόμενοι οἱ ἄγγελοι ἔκραζονˑπῶς δ' ἐν μνήματι συγκλείεται Θεός;

Προσκυνῶ τό πάθος,ἀνυμνῶ τήν ταφήν,μεγαλύνω σου τό κράτος, φιλάνθρωπε,δί' ὧν λέλυμαι παθῶν φθοροποιῶν.

Οἶμοι, φῶς τοῦ κόσμουοἶμοι φῶς τό ἐμόν!Ἰησοῦ μου ποθεινότατε, ἔκραζενἡ Παρθένος θρηνωδοῦσα γοερῶς.

Ὤ Θεέ καί λόγε,ὤ χαρά ἡ ἐμή,πῶς ἐνέγκω σου ταφήν τήν τριήμερον;νῦν σπαράττομαι τά σπλάχνα μητρικῶς.

The Life inside a grave (2nd Part)

Taken down, (true) Word,off wood(-en cross) dead,in a sepulchre, Jojeph, now lays You.But You’ve resurrected saving everyone as God.

To the angels, Saviour,You brought happinessyet You were also reason for their sorrowas you were looked at in flesh breathless, dead

You were uplifted on woodand the living mortalsYou uplift (them) along with You, by laying under the earthYou resurrected the (people) resting under it

As a lion, Saviour,You fall asleep in flesh,as some cub, (You) the dead one, You resurrect,laying aside the oldness of the flesh

The dispenser of lifehow can He be seen dead?The angels cried in surprise,how can God be enclosed in a sepulchre?

I revere the woe,I laud the burial,I exalt Your might, Philanthropist,by which I was absolved from dissolving woes

Woe me, light of the world!Woe me, light of mine!My Jesus the most cherished She cried,the Virgin, in a sobbing lament

Oh God and Word,oh joy of mine,how can I bear your three-day burialnow that my maternal insides are discerped

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω) 2nd Part by Petros Gaitanos. Or I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω) 2nd Part poem lyrics. Petros Gaitanos I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω) 2nd Part text in English. Also can be known by title I Zoi En Tafo Ἡ zoe ἐn tapho 2nd Part (Petros Gaitanos) text. This page also contains a translation, and I Zoi En Tafo Ἡ zoe ἐn tapho 2nd Part meaning.