Petros Gaitanos "I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω)" lyrics

Translation to:en

I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω)

Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφωκατετέθης, Χριστέ,καί ἀγγέλων στρατιαί ἐξεπλήττοντο,συγκατάβασιν δοξάζουσαι τήν σήν.

Ἡ ζωή, πῶς θνήσκεις;πῶς καί τάφω οἰκεῖς;τοῦ θανάτου τό βασίλειον λύεις δέ,καί τοῦ Ἅδου τούς νεκρούς ἑξανιστᾶς.

Μεγαλύνομεν σέ,Ἰησοῦ βασιλεῦ,καί τιμῶμεν τήν ταφήν καί τά πάθη σου,δί' ὧν ἔσωσας ἠμᾶς ἐκ τῆς φθορᾶς.

Μέτρα γής ὁ στήσαςἐν σμικρῶ κατοικεῖς,Ἰησοῦ παμβασιλεύ, τάφω σήμερον,ἐκ μνημάτων τούς θανόντας ἀνιστῶν.

Ὁ δεσπότης πάντωνκαθορᾶται νεκρός,καί ἐν μνήματι καινῶ κατατίθεταιὁ κενώσας τά μνημεῖα τῶν νεκρῶν.

Ὡς ἐν κρήνης μιᾶςτόν διπλοῦν ποταμόντῆς πλευρᾶς σου προχεούσης ἀρδόμενοι,τήν ἀθάνατον καρπούμεθα ζωήν.

Ὁ ὡραῖος κάλλειπαρά πάντας βροτούςὡς ἀνείδεος νεκρός καταφαίνεται,ὁ τήν φύσιν ὠραΐσας τοῦ παντός.

Ἰησοῦ, γλυκύ μοίκαί σωτήριον φῶς,τάφω πῶς ἐν σκοτεινῶ κατακέκρυψαι;ὤ ἀφάτου καί ἀρρήτου ἀνοχῆς!

Ὡς βροτός μέν θνήσκειςἑκουσίως Σωτήρ,ὡς Θεός δέ τούς θνητούς ἑξανέστησαςἐκ μνημάτων καί βυθοῦ ἁμαρτιῶν.

Ἀπορεῖ καί φύσιςνοερά καί πληθύςἡ ἀσώματος, Χριστέ, τό μυστήριοντῆς ἀφράστου καί ἀρρήτου σου ταφῆς.

Ὤ θαυμάτων ξένων,ὤ πραγμάτων καινῶν!ὁ πνοῆς μοί χορηγός ἀπνοῦς φέρεταικηδευόμενος χερσί τοῦ Ἰωσήφ.

Ἐκ φθορᾶς ἀνέβη ἡ ζωή μου, Σωτήρ,σού θανόντος καί νεκροῖςΠροσφοιτήσαντος καί συνθλάσαντοςτοῦ Ἅδου τούς μοχλούς.

Ὡς φωτός λυχνίανῦν ἡ σάρξ τοῦ Θεοῦὑπό γῆν ὡς ὑπό μόδιον κρύπτεταικαί διώκει τόν ἐν ἅδη σκοτασμόν.

Ὑπό γῆν ἐκρύβης,ὥσπερ ἥλιος, νῦνκαί νυκτί τή τοῦ θανάτου κεκάλυψαιˑἀλλ' ἀνατειλον φαιδρότερον, Σωτήρ.

Ἐπί γής κατῆλθες,ἴνα σώσης Ἀδάμ,καί ἐν γῆ μή εὐρηκῶς τοῦτον, Δέσποτα,μέχρις ἅδου κατελήλυθας ζητῶν.

Ὥσπερ σίτου κόκκοςὑποδύς κόλπους γήςτόν πολυχουν ἀποδέδωκας ἄσταχυν,ἀναστήσας τούς βροτούς τούς ἐξ Ἀδάμ.

Ὡς ἡλίου δίσκονἡ σελήνη, Σωτήρἀποκρύπτει, καί Σέ τάφος νῦν ἔκρυψεν,ἐκλιπόντα τῷ θανάτω σαρκικῶς.

The Life inside a grave

The Life inside a graveYou were laid, Christ,and armies of angels were astound,they praise Your condescedence

(You) The Life how can You die?How can You reside in a grave?You abolish the realm of deathand resurrect Hades’ dead.

We exalt You,Jesus King,and honour Your burial and Your woes,which saved us from dissolution

The One who placed all standards on earth,(You are) lodging in a diminutive,Jesus Global King, grave today,resurrecting the deceased from the sepulchres

The Ruler of everythingappearing dead,and laid in an empty sepulchre,the One who emptied the sepulchres of the dead

As if by a fount,the double(large) river,poured forth from your side, irrigates us,thus we reap the eternal Life.

The most beautifulthan all mortals,looking as indifferent dead,the One who beautified the nature of everything

Jesus, my sweetand salvific light,how can you be hidden away in a dark grave,the One having ineffable and unutterable forbearance!

Whereas mortal You die,willingly Saviour,thereas God you resurrected the deadfrom graves and the depths of sins

Nature wonders too,spiritual and swarmingbodyless, Christ, (about) the mysteryof your unexpressible and unutterable burial

Oh strange miracles!Oh new things!The provider of my breath is carried breathless,inhumed by the hand of Joseph

From dissolution came my life to, Saviour,You by dying and by visitingthe dead and by crashingHades’ bars

Oh lamp of lightnow the flesh of Godunder the earth buried like under a peck (of dirt)and banishing the darkness in Hades

Under the earth You were buriednow just as a sun,covered by the night of deathbut risen brighter, Saviour

Onto the earth You descended,to save Adam,and since You didn’t find him on earth, Ruler,You went down as far as Hades searching.

Just as a grain of wheat,plunged in earths’ bosom,You delivered ear of corn to the beflooded (by the Great Flood) ,and You resurrected the mortals, Adam's scion

As the sun’s diskby the moon, Saviour,(can be) hidden, and You got hidden by a grave now,Your flesh eclipsed by death

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω) by Petros Gaitanos. Or I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω) poem lyrics. Petros Gaitanos I Zoí En Táfo (Ἡ ζωή ἐν τάφω) text in English. Also can be known by title I Zoi En Tafo Ἡ zoe ἐn tapho (Petros Gaitanos) text. This page also contains a translation, and I Zoi En Tafo Ἡ zoe ἐn tapho meaning.