Pitsa Papadopoulou "Diloseis (Δηλώσεις)" lyrics

Translation to:en

Diloseis (Δηλώσεις)

Μέσα στους δρόμους μόνη κι έρημη γυρνώκαι από σένα ένα ψέμα κουβαλώπως στη ζωή σου να περάσω θα μου στρώσεις.Δηλώσεις, που μείνανε δηλώσεις.

Μέσα στο πόνο τα παράπονα κι εγώγι’ αλλού με πήρες, μα με έφερες εδώ,που ‘ναι η αγάπη που μου είπες θα μου δώσεις.Δηλώσεις, που μείνανε δηλώσεις.

Μέσα στη νύχτα τα ξενύχτια μου μετρώπόσα θα μου ‘δινες τι σου ‘δωσα εγώ,τα απομεινάρια της αγάπης σου της τόσης.Δηλώσεις, που μείνανε δηλώσεις.

Μέσα στο πόνο τα παράπονα κι εγώ ...


In the roads I am wandering alone, without companyand I am carrying a lie from youthat you are going to open the path for me to pass into your lifeDeclarations, declarations and nothing more (words, only words)

In the pain and complaints me tooYou took me to get me somewhere else but you brought me hereWhere is the love that you said you are going to give me?Declarations, only declarations

In the night I am counting my sitting ups lateHow much are you going to give me? How much did I give you?The residues of such a great love!Declarations, declarations and nothing more...

In the pain and complaints me tooYou took me to get me somewhere else but you brought me hereWhere is the love that you said you are going to give me?Declarations, only declarations

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Diloseis (Δηλώσεις) by Pitsa Papadopoulou. Or Diloseis (Δηλώσεις) poem lyrics. Pitsa Papadopoulou Diloseis (Δηλώσεις) text in English. Also can be known by title Diloseis Deloseis (Pitsa Papadopoulou) text. This page also contains a translation, and Diloseis Deloseis meaning.