Pitsa Papadopoulou "mana mou" lyrics

Translation to:en

mana mou

Μάνα μου, δε σου `γραψα ποτέ μου ένα τραγούδι,μάνα μου, δε σου `χω πει, ποτέ μου, σ’ αγαπώ,μάνα μου, δε σου `φερα ποτέ μου ένα λουλούδιμα απόψε, αυτά που νιώθω θα σ’ τα πω.

Τι λόγια όμως να βρω, που ό,τι και να πωμπροστά σου θα `ναι λίγο και φτωχό,δεν βρίσκω τι να πω, δεν βρίσκω τι να πω,κι απ’ την ψυχή μου λέω μόνο αυτό, μάνα μου, μάνα μου.

Μάνα μου, για σένα έχει βγει η λέξη αγάπη,μάνα μου, αρχόντισσα της γης και τ’ ουρανού,μάνα μου, εσύ μονάχα ξέρεις τον καημό μου,τι έχω στην καρδιά μου και στο νου.

Τι λόγια όμως να βρω, που ό,τι και να πωμπροστά σου θα `ναι λίγο και φτωχό,δεν βρίσκω τι να πω, δεν βρίσκω τι να πω,κι απ’ την ψυχή μου λέω μόνο αυτό, μάνα μου, μάνα μου.קטגוריהבידור

Mom, My Mom!

Mom, I never wrote a song for you1Mom, I never told you that I love youMom, I never brought you a flowerBut tonight, I'm going to tell you what I'm feeling

What words can express what I'm feeling? No matter what I say, it'll be insignificant and worthless compared to you. I can't figure out what to say, I can't figure out what to say. And from the bottom of my heart I'll just say....Mom, my mom!! Mom, my mom!!

Mom, you are the meaning of the word "love"Mom, you are the "Lady" of the earth and the skyMom, only you know my sorrow,Only you know what I have in my heart and on my mind

What words can express what I'm feeling? No matter what I say, it'll be insignificant and worthless compared to you. I can't figure out what to say, I can't figure out what to say. And from the bottom of my heart I'll just say....Mom, my mom!! Mom, my mom!!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song mana mou by Pitsa Papadopoulou. Or mana mou poem lyrics. Pitsa Papadopoulou mana mou text in English. This page also contains a translation, and mana mou meaning.