Vița de Vie "Răsar culori" lyrics

Translation to:enfr

Răsar culori

Negru, roșu, verde,Negru, galben, movx 4

Răsar culori...

Negru, roșu, verde,Negru, galben, movx 4

Răsar culori...

Negru, roșu, verde,Negru, galben, movx 4

Răsar culori...

Melc, melc codobelc,Scote coarne boureștiCă te duc la baltăȘi-ți dau apă caldă,Și te duc la Dunăre,Și-ți dau apă tulbure,Și te sui pe un buștean...1

Când mă rătăcescMă caut în culori

Răsar, răsar culori...

Colors appear

Black, red, green,Black, yellow, purple x 4

Colors appear...

Black, red, green,Black, yellow, purple x 4

Colors appear...

Black, red, green,Black, yellow, purple x 4

Colors appear...

Slug, slug, snailShow your bull hornsSo that I carry you to the pondAnd give you warm water,And that I bring you to the Danube,And give you trouble water,And I lay you on a trunk

When I get lost,I search myself between the colors

They appear, colors appear

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Răsar culori by Vița de Vie. Or Răsar culori poem lyrics. Vița de Vie Răsar culori text in English. Also can be known by title Rasar culori (Vita de Vie) text. This page also contains a translation, and Rasar culori meaning.