Vița de Vie "Iamma" lyrics

Translation to:enfr


Valuri de nisipŞi nori grei de prafOmul este micDar mare e Allah.

Doar într-un minutŞi s-a întâmplatŞtiu că am văzutşi mi s-a arătat.

Ceea ce-am vazutDa...scrie în CoranColo-n depărtăriE fata lui Morgan.

Dune de nisipŞi tone de prafOmul este micDar mare e Allah

R: Iamma iamma ia mai stai un picIamma iamma i-am mai spus o dată!

Dacă ai văzut prea multe spaţii verziNu eşti în deşert, dar trebuie să creziCe va spun acum, da! scrie şi-n CoranCă noi suntem mici, dar mare e Allah!

R: ...


Waves of sandAnd heavy clouds of dust,Man is small,But so much greater is Allah.

It only took a minuteAnd it happened,I know that I have seenand it was revealed to me.

What I just saw,Yeah, it's written in the Qur’an,Far away out thereIt's the daughter of Morgan (Morgan le Fay).

Waves of sandAnd heavy clouds of dust,Man is small,But so much greater is Allah.

R: Iamma iamma, yeah, man, stay a while,Iamma iamma, yeah, man, I told her again!

If you were able to see too many greenways,You're not in the desert, but you must believeWhat I'm telling you now, yeah, it's also written in the Qur’anThat we are small, but so much greater is Allah!

R: ...

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Iamma by Vița de Vie. Or Iamma poem lyrics. Vița de Vie Iamma text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Iamma meaning.