Vița de Vie "Somn Ușor" lyrics

Translation to:en

Somn Ușor

Inconjurat de colti si sclipiri ce mi-au tulburat oceanul din priviriIar inima imi bate in graba si spera sa scape cumva.Si vocea mea ce urla in noapte la stele,Siluete si soapte incearca iar sa compuna un visIesind din abis, sa invie ce-ati ucis.

Fiarelor / cantecul meu se aprinde in noapteCantec de dor / e ca un ecou, o mie de sopateSomn usor / cu ochii inchisi am sa-l cant mai departe.Fiarelor / cantecul meu va alunga pe toateCantec de dor / e ca un ecou dintr-o mie de soapteSomn usor / eu nu am sa dorm, am sa merg mai departe.

Ati invadat toata mintea mea,Unic loc din care nu pot evada,Din exterior ramaneti nevazuteDar provocati dureri ce-mi raman mute.Sunteti cea mai rea versiune a meaSi ma zbat sa nu ma identific cu ea,Cand tot ce insemn simt ca se stinge lentIncerc sa caut scanteia ce m-aduce-n prezent.

Fiarelor / cantecul meu se aprinde in noapteCantec de dor / e ca un ecou, o mie de sopateSomn usor / cu ochii inchisi am sa-l cant mai departe.Fiarelor / cantecul meu va alunga pe toateCantec de dor / e ca un ecou dintr-o mie de soapteSomn usor / eu nu am sa dorm, am sa merg mai departe.

Pentru fiecare nor ce vine,Am sa dau la schimb un strop din mine.

Fiarelor / cantecul meu se aprinde in noapteCantec de dor / e ca un ecou, o mie de sopateSomn usor / cu ochii inchisi am sa-l cant mai departe.Fiarelor / cantecul meu va alunga pe toateCantec de dor / e ca un ecou dintr-o mie de soapteSomn usor / eu nu am sa dorm, am sa merg mai departe.

Sleep well

Surrounded by fangs and flashes that disturbed the ocean from my eyesAnd my heart beat hastily and hopes to escape somehow.And my voice that roars in the night to the stars,Silhouettes and whims try to make a dreamGetting out of the abyss, to resurrect what you killed.

Beasts / my song lights up in the nightSong of longing/ is like an echo, a thousand whispersSleep well/ with closed eyes I will sing it further.Beasts / my song will banish allThe song of longing is like a echo of a thousandSleep well/ I do not have to sleep, I will go on.

You invaded all my mind,Unique place I can not escape,From the outside you remain unseenBut you can cause pains that remain me silent.You are the worst version of meAnd I struggle to don't identify with her,When everything I feel feels slowI'm trying to look for the spark that brings me to the present.

Beasts / my song lights up in the nightSong of longing/ is like an echo, a thousand whispersSleep well/ with closed eyes I will sing it further.My beasts / my song will banish allThe song of longing is like a echo of a thousand of whispersSleep well/ I do not have to sleep, I will go on.

For every cloud coming,I will give you in exchange a drop of me

Beasts / my song lights up in the nightSong of longing/ is like an echo, a thousand whispersSleep well/ with closed eyes I will sing it further.My beasts / my song will banish allThe song of longing is like a echo of a thousandSleep well/ I do not have to sleep, I will go on.

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Somn Ușor by Vița de Vie. Or Somn Ușor poem lyrics. Vița de Vie Somn Ușor text in English. Also can be known by title Somn Usor (Vita de Vie) text. This page also contains a translation, and Somn Usor meaning.