Vița de Vie "Până în zori" lyrics

Translation to:en

Până în zori

Suflete hranite de-a valma din tava cu jar,Aripi adormite de minte, date cu var,Imagini fara inteles, vorbe ascunse-n perdeaSi strigatul de lupta al mintii cu inima mea.

Intr-un colt uitat de lume, singur ma retrag,Il astept pe cel ce nu e, pregatit sa trag.

Pana in zori de zi, pana nu vom mai stiCare din noi e vanatul, ca amandoi parca am fi,Pana in zori de zi, pana vom deveniUnul si-acelasi de-odata, e ultima data, sa stii.Pana in zori!

Patru anotimpuri, trei parca sunt in zadar,E toamna dupa toamna, toamna si toamna iarCuvintele se-neaca acum, arse de gustul amarDe toamna dupa toamna, toamna si toamna iar

Intr-un colt uitat de lume, singur ma retrag,Il astept pe cel ce nu e, pregatit sa trag.

Pana in zori de zi, pana nu vom ma stiCare din noi e vanatul, ca amandoi parca am fi,Pana in zori de zi, pana vom deveniUnul si-acelasi de-odata, e ultima data, sa stii.Pana in zori!

Until dawn

Souls fed all together from the ash-filled trayWings put asleep by the mind, painted with chalk,Pictures with no meaning, phrases hidden in the curtainsAnd the battle cry of my heart and my mind.

In a world-forgotten corner, I withdraw alone,I wait for the one who isn`t, ready to shoot.

Until dawn, until we won`t know anymoreWhich of us is the hunted, it looks as if we both are,Until dawn, until we`ll becomeOne at the same time, this is the last time, I promise.Until dawn!

Four seasons, three seem to be in vain,It's autumn after autumn, autumn and autumn againThe words drown now, burned by the bitter tasteOf autumn after autumn, autumn and autumn again

In a world-forgotten corner, I withdraw alone,I wait for the one who isn`t, ready to shoot.

Until dawn, until we won`t know anymoreWhich of us is the hunted, it looks as if we both are,Until dawn, until we`ll becomeOne at the same time, this is the last time, I promise.Until dawn!

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Până în zori by Vița de Vie. Or Până în zori poem lyrics. Vița de Vie Până în zori text in English. Also can be known by title Pana in zori (Vita de Vie) text. This page also contains a translation, and Pana in zori meaning.