Luna "Red Bull" lyrics

Translation to:enes

Red Bull

Ref.Malo, malo Red Bull-a da me dignepuno, puno votke da me sutra stignei pesme tuzne da me drze duzenoc je da se ostavljeni druze

Neka digne ruke tuzan ko jeove noci rane se ne brojekom' je srce slomljeno na polataj je drustvo oko moga stola

Ref. 2x

Nadjite mi neke tuzne ociove noci sama necu mocikom' je srce slomljeno na polataj je drustvno oko moga stola.

Ref. 4x

Red Bull

Chorus:A little bit, bit of Red Bull to cheer me upA lot, lot of vodka to remind me tomorrowand sad songs to keep me up longerNight is for meetings of dumped people

Who's sad, lift your handWounds don't count this nightWhose heart is broken on halfhe's company around my table

Chorus 2x

Find me some sad eyesI wouldn't stand by myself this nightWhose heart is broken on halfhe's company around my table

Chorus 4x

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Red Bull by Luna. Or Red Bull poem lyrics. Luna Red Bull text in English. This page also contains a translation, and Red Bull meaning.