Luna "Pidžama" lyrics

Translation to:en


Prozor tvoj, stare žaluzinena vratima neko drugo imeti odavno živiš preko okeanaa ja te čekam ispred našeg stana

Ref. 2xSvake te noći sanjam, milijastuk deli tvoja glavaa ona tvoja pidžama plavapored mene spava

I kad sam sama padala do dnani tad me tuga nije ubilau biser crni sam tugu sakrilau čaši bola suze popila


Your window, old blindson the door has someone else's nameyou live far away over the oceansand I am waiting for you in front of our apartment

Every night I dream of you, darlingthe pillow protects your headand those blue pyjamas of yoursleep beside me

And when I by myself fell to the bottomnot even then did sadness kill meI hid the sadness in a black pearlin the glass of pain I drank the tears

Here one can find the English lyrics of the song Pidžama by Luna. Or Pidžama poem lyrics. Luna Pidžama text in English. Also can be known by title Pidzama (Luna) text. This page also contains a translation, and Pidzama meaning.